9. she needs you sane

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"If ocean can calm itself so can you

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"If ocean can calm itself so can you."


"I can't believe it." Isaac's shocked state alarmed me more. I hurried up towards car stoping right next to Isaac. His gaze fixed on phone where he didn't move.

" Finally. Where are others?" Asher's harsh tone snapped me back at reality and I turned to stare at him. From corner of eye I saw Isaac flinch hard.

" I am sorry you hurried up." I mocked his voice earning glare. The death look behind his eyes screamed for help. Something is very wrong with Asher and I have feeling it will scare me like nothing before. The emotionless facade is total lie and he doesn't want anyone to knows it. I am determined to find out what is bothering my big brother.

" What are you staring at?" He snapped at me taking me off guard. My heart is beating against my ribcage like it wants to escape from me. My own heart is ready to betray me if there isn't cage that is keeping him from it. If I can't trust myself how can I trust others. How can I trust my siblings that they won't leave again when they find out how broken I am? How can I trust them with my secrets? How can I trust Maya that she won't tell my secrets to anyone like she did to Ezra? How can I trust my parents that they won't send me to Kathy again?

" Earth to Vivien." Big fingers snapped in front of me. I flinched at sudden sound earning worried glance from Carter. He slowly put hamds on my shouldes. Everyone else already entered car. Asher opened passenger window and yelled.

" Are you coming?" The harshness behind his voice made me be quicker than ever. I ignored worried stares from rest of my siblings and stared out of window. Joseph insisted that we go with one car that has 7 seats that with 2 cars, because it is just today and people should see that Blacks are together again. Then after today we can go with as many cars as we want. I already insisted on me driving with Clara tomorrow.

The drive to school never seemed to be long like this. Maybe because one of guards used to drive me. I quickly opened door of car and just when Carter locked it I noticed curious and surprised stares. After couple of minutes everyone came back to chatting, probably about us.

" It's Angelo, Maya and Andrew. We should go." Isaac noticed our friends that are walking towards us.

" You are alive." Maya's surprised voice made my cheeks heat. I was about to answer back but she instantly hugged me.

"I am as you can see." I snapped at her irritated. We soon started towards our lockers. Sarah joined us talking about our first class to be biology. The fact is that she doesn't even share biology with me, Angelo, Clara, Isaac and Aiden. My attention turned towards blonde curls that entered hallway. Arlo reached his locker laughing with his friends. He noticed me staring at him and he winked back at me. I smiled turning back in conversation.

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