Chapter 4

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*👻Julia's POV👻*

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*👻Julia's POV👻*

"Far out. I guess we're like, all going to Spooky Island, man." hearing his voice gave me sudden goosebumps, I haven't heard it in two years and yet it still has the same effect on me, like it always have.

"Hey, where's Scooby?" Velma asks, only then did I notice he wasn't by Shaggy's side like he usually is. I stole a glance at him, he hasn't changed at all, not one bit and that made me smile.

Shaggy points in a direction, we all turned to look, in the distance, Scooby was walking in heels, a dress, and a hat on his head looking very fashionable, even in a very old fashioned dress.

"They don't allow big dogs on the plane." Shaggy states with a smile, it explained why Scooby was in a dress, the entire airport was staring at him, but he waved at every person he passes, greeting them.

"You've got to be kidding." Velma says.

"No one is stupid enough to believe that." Daphne states, but she was proved wrong when Fred leans closer towards Shaggy.

"Who's the ugly old broad?" he asks Shaggy, pulling his face.

"I think it's adorable." I spoke up, Shaggy's head snapped in my direction, only noticing now I was there as well.

Scooby finally joined us, giving Fred a big wet kiss on his cheek, he wiped his cheek in disgust.

"Say hello to grandma."

I didn't hesitate to pull grandma into a big hug, I missed this furball so much, "Jewels!" Scoob yells out in excitement.

- Flight 3774 to Spooky Island, now boarding -

It got quiet, with the awkwardness following, it was so thick not even a chainsaw would be able to cut it.

"Listen, I wouldn't have agreed to come if I knew." Velma was the first to say something between all of us, the night we went our separate ways seems to be a sore spot for them, and I understand that, but with Velma saying that it kind of hurt. 

"Wait guys.." I started to say.

Shaggy cut me off, giving me an apologetic look in between, I couldn't even get mad at him at this point.

"...just think about it for one minute. Mystery Inc reunites. We'll be a team again, just like the old days. So come on gang. Let's do that thing where we put our hands in, lift them up, and we go..." Shaggy says lifting his hand in the air.

"Only if Fred and Velma does it." Daphne mutters, but there was no way that was happening all of them were stubborn.

"People are watching, Shag." Fred told Shaggy before walking away, Velma and Daphne following behind him.

"Whoo-hoo!" Scoob says staring at Shaggy and I with those big eyes of his.

"Whoo-hoo Scoob!" I said leaving a kiss on his nose before walking away, to aboard the plane.

*👻Shaggy's P.O.V👻*

"Yeah, Scoob! Whoo-hoo! Come on, buddy." I say to him sadly, watching Julia walk away from me, she looks absolutely gorgeous wearing my favourite colour, that dress fitted her just perfectly.

"You couldn't keep your eyes of her!" Scooby states teasingly, giggling like a little school girl.

"Like, how could anyone not look at that beautiful creature." I whisper, quietly admitting I was staring at her, my heart was beating so fast I thought it would beat out of my chest.


*👻Julia's POV👻*

I sat down in an open seat across from Shaggy, taking out the book I have been reading, my eyes would find their way over to him every now and than, they had a mind of their own.

A pretty blonde approached him and Scooby, staring at him, I saw him gawking at the girl, my heart felt like breaking into a million pieces, seeing how he couldn't get his eyes off her. I was burning with jealously.

"Would you mind me taking a seat there next to....?" The girl asks glancing over at Scoob in confusion.

"To my grandma? That's my grandma. Hi grandma. Like no."

Shaggy was tripping over his words, but then again any man would trip over themselves if a girl approaches them, and started talking to them.

Shaggy stood up so that she could pass by him towards the empty seat next to Scoob. "Thanks." She says smiling all sweetly.

"You're welcome."

She sneezed trying to acting adorable, "Bless you!" Shaggy says pulling his face all adorable, I just adored that face of his.

I was well aware I had no reason to be jealous, he wasn't mine, I tried to convince myself what I was feeling was only confusion after seeing him again after two years.

Scooby got up, moving towards the back, taking a seat next to Fred and Velma, leaving Shaggy with the girl, they seem to be in a very deep conversation.

A tap on my shoulder, pulls my attention away from the two, turning in my seat, I look at the person sitting next to me, it was a very attractive asian man.

"What are you reading?" He asks pointing to the book in my hands.

"It's a book of poems." I say smiling.

The rest of the plane ride, we talked about all different kind of poems and how such little words can have so many meanings to them.

I was able to forget Shaggy was with me on the plane, gushing about poems was a perfect little distraction.


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