Chapter 24

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🕸️CHAPTER 24🕸️

*🕸️Third Person's POV🕸️*

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*🕸️Third Person's POV🕸️*

The faux ghost was fulled with music, and people trying to enjoy themselves when the doors got slammed open.

"Everyone part like the red sea. It's me, Shizzy McCreepy and my brother S.D McCrawly, and my beautiful wife, Jewels McCreepy. We are in the house and ready to party." A guy dressed in a green suit said loudly.

Julia felt like hiding in embarrassment, but she had to keep up the act as she was clinging to Shaggy's side.

Aggie Wilkins walked up to Scooby touching his chest in a flirtatious manner.

"Hey handsome." She says.

"Hello baby."

The exchange only made me giggle into Shaggy's side. The two goofballs was staring in horror at the mole in a hole machine, but instead of mole's, it was the faces of the entire gang, on the other side they were throwing darts at pictures of the gang.

Shaggy tried his best getting Julia and himself away, only to walk past two people fighting over which of their costumes were better.

"A Ghost Clown is a heck of a lot scarier than a Cotton Candy Glob!"

They ended up in a fight, pushing each other, Shaggy ducked bumping into someone sitting by the bar.

"Watch out idiot."

"Old Man Wickles!" Julia mutters, when she saw who her beloved bumped into.

"Leave me alone." The old man snaps in irritation.

"I just wanted to say thank you. Your portrayal of the Black Knight Ghost was inspirational to my brother and me." Shaggy says, leaving Julia impressed with his quick thinking. "Have you done anything cool and creepy lately?" Shaggy asks, sitting next to him, Julia was seated on his other side, Scooby was spitting out the pickled eggs he ate that stood on the counter. Old Man Wickles looked up at the two pair of curious eyes staring at him.

"Listen. I'm not normally one for giving advice, but I feel sorry for you, because of your brother's hideous nose deformity. Get out of this game while you got a chance. All of us here ain't nothing to admire, we needed people to believe we were different than we were. Maybe because we believed that there was something wrong with who we were in the first place." Wickles told them. Julia felt like she actually able to feel his sadness.

"I guess you're sort of grateful to Mystery Inc for unmasking you?" Shaggy asks, lifting up his hat and taking of his fake golden tooth.

"Are you kidding me?" The old man snapped in anger, he grabbed a hand full of peanuts, crushing them with his bare hands. "If I see those twerps. I'd tear their eyes out of their skulls make them eat the one eye while watching themselves eat it with the other eye!" he says, laughing afterwards.

"Bye." Shaggy mutters, pulling Julia away as quick as he could, Scooby following behind. "Here's a clue for you. That dude's wearing his freak hat 24/7." Shaggy says, he took a look around spotting the bathroom.

"I gotta take a whiz." Shaggy states.

"Me too." Julia says, not able to hold it in any longer.

"Don't do anything to attract attention." Shaggy warns Scooby.


Scooby ended up doing the opposite of what was asked of him, when Shaggy came from the bathroom, only to find Scooby dancing with mostly everyone and his afro jumping on and off his head, Shaggy tried to warn him, but Scooby didn't understand it.

"Hey Shaggy."

The afro went flying off, exposing him, everyone else staring at him, but Scooby didn't notice as he kept on dancing.

"It's Scooby Doo! The meddling mutt that helped throw us in jail." Someone spoke up.

"Who, me?" Scooby asks innocently.

"No, wait, that's not Scooby Doo." Shaggy says making his way to him. "That's S.D McCrawly. He's just wearing a mask." He says pulling Scooby's face, but Shaggy's hat got knocked off in the process.

"And that's Doo's beatnik best pal, Shaggy Rogers."

"Where?" Shaggy asks, looking around.

"There." A guy says pointing at him.

"Zoinks! Gangway!" Shaggy yells, making a run for it, he knew Julia would find her way out without being noticed as he jumped down the pipe, in which they dispose of their garbage.

"Run, Shaggy. Wait for me. Scooby yells, jumping after his friend.

"And stay out!"

"That wasn't so bad, Scoob." Shaggy states, hoping Julia won't be too mad at him for leaving her in there alone.


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