Chapter 28

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🕸️CHAPTER 28🕸️

*🕸️Julia's POV🕸️*

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*🕸️Julia's POV🕸️*

"Heather Jasper-Howe with an emergency update for Investigative Probe. A monster army has invaded Coolsville. Angry citizens have gathered outside Mystery Inc. ‘s offices in protest. They’re insisting the gang cooperate with the Evil Masked Figure’s demands."

I sat next to Shaggy in the back of the van, holding onto his arm, watching the news, they showed how most of the town was protesting infront of our office. "Mystery Stink! Mystery Stink!" The town was yelling, until all the monsters appeared, making everyone run, to get away.

Shaggy's worry and disappointment, was all over his face, I decided to move so that I can sit in-between his legs, laying my head down in-between his shoulder and neck, I only got a sad smile, but it was good enough for me, my eyes move back to the news.

"Excuse me, sir. Do you have anything to say for yourself?" The reporter on sight tried to ask Zombie, but the monster only threw up over him and the camera, in any other situation that would have been funny, but I couldn't even crack a smile.

Scooby on the other hand started laughing next to us, both Shaggy and I gave him a look, making his laughter die down.

"I beg you, Mystery Inc. If you can hear me, turn yourselves in." Heather pleads, staring straight into the camera, things just weren't going any easier, we were the only one's that could possibly put an end to this.

"If we do, he’ll get the control panel back, and the city will be in worse shape." Fred speaks up from driver's seat, sounding distraught.

"We’d be playing right into his hands." Daphne says sadly.

"Please. For our city’s sake." Heather says.

A loud bang came from the news room, their door fell open, the Black Knight Ghost appeared. "Sorry. You’re cancelled." He says, laughing, and the screen went blank, and the van was fulled with a worried silence, it was hanging over us like a cloud of thunderstorms.

The entire drive to our destination, I stayed in Shaggy's arms, as he held me close, afraid that the other might disappear.

"The old high-school clubhouse. We should be safe here." Velma says, when the van came to a stop, and we got out staring at the place where it all started, Velma was the first to disappear into the old clubhouse.

"We haven’t been here in years." Daphne says, before she made her way around the van, to Where Fred was also getting out. "Freddy, are you okay? Do you wanna talk?" She asks our leader, but we all knew he wasn't okay, non of us were.

"Talking’s for wimps. It’s time for action." Fred says, closing his door, following behind Velma into the clubhouse, Daphne following him. I didn't inch forward to move, only staring at the lake infront of me.

"You know, Scoob, this Evil Masked Figure is turning Coolsville into Ghoulsville. And the gang is totally taking a hit for it. Like, this is the most "our-faultiest" screwup ever, Scoob." Shaggy tells Scooby sadly, I knew if anyone was going to blame themselves the most it was these two.

Sure they were clumsy, and always hungry, and maybe always did what they shouldn't, but it's what made them Shaggy and Scooby, it's what made them unique, it's why I fell in love with Shaggy, because of his goofiness.

I watched as Scooby sadly laid his head down on Shaggy's shoulder, but still kept my distance.

My mind ran back to the time I first met Shaggy, I couldn't stand him, but the reason's I couldn't stand him, ended up what I start liking about him, I remember all the times he did his best to make me smile when I was down, all those faces he pulled to get me laughing in class, he's always been there for me, and know I get to be there for him.

After awhile we went to see what the others were up too, only to see they were busy with something, telling me they might have figured a way out of this mess, like I knew they would, they always do.

"Like, they’re totally having a montage in there without us." Shaggy states.


"I’ll tell you one thing for sure. They don’t need our help to figure it out." Shaggy says sadly, walking towards the lake.

"We’re screwups." Scooby says in disappointment.

"The only time we do anything right is when we accidentally plow into the Snow Ghost because we’ve accidentally glued our feet to rocket-powered roller-skates." Shaggy says, I wish they knew it's always been those small stupid mistakes that helped catching whatever monsters we were facing.

"Eight stupid times." Scooby says, and each time, I was dragged with them, it's what made my life a bit more entertaining, but I didn't dare speak up, they needed to talk their hearts out.

"Face it, Scoob. We’ll never be anything but our old goofy selves. I wish once… …just once… …I could do the right thing on purpose. You know, Scoob?" Shaggy asks his best friend.


"Like, be a hero …and save the day. But who are we kidding, right?" He states, picking up a rock, if only he knew, at that moment I promised myself I would let him know one way or another how important he really is.

Shaggy threw the rock into the lake, it sounded like it fell on something very hard. Further into the lake it turned green and the water started making bubbles, when a monster came from under the water, I couldn't believe they found us so fast.

"Captain Cutler’s Ghost." Shaggy mutters in shock.

"Captain Cutler’s Ghost!" I yelled loudly, to alert the others, it wasn't long when they came running out of the clubhouse, with the control panel.


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