Chapter 9

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*👻Third Person's POV👻*

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*👻Third Person's POV👻*

Shaggy was starting to get worried, he hasn't seen Julia since she followed Daphne earlier to search information on cults, Daphne has appeared a little while ago and there was still no sign of the strawberry blonde. He was starting to wonder if he did something that could have upset her, that could make her wanting to avoid him. Shaggy didn't even pay attention to Mary-Jane who joined him, where he was seated, not that he was interested in her company.

"Help me! Help me! Monsters!" Scooby yelled running to the middle of the room hiding under the table, when he saw a monster by the window he was sitting at.

Everyone was staring at him in question. Fred approached him, kneeling down to Scooby's level. "Scooby, this is the most embarrassing thing you've done since you decided to clean your beans at Don Knott's Christmas Party." Fred snaps in embarrassment.

Scooby scrunches up his nose in confusion, he started laughing as he remembers that day. "How many times do I have to tell you? There are no such things as ghouls, ghosts, goblins or monsters." Fred says to Scooby.

Fred got on top of the table looking at everyone in the lounge area. "Now listen up. There is absolutely, absolutely no such thing..." Fred was interrupted, as the monster jumped through the window behind him.

"Monster!" Fred yelled, making a run for it. The purple looking monster grabbed a hold of him. "Fred!" Daphne yell in fear. The monster was holding him upside down.


Green smoke was breathed into his face, as he started to losing consciousness. "Save Daphne." Was the last thing Fred was able to say.

Everyone started running trying to get away, more monsters started to appear, jumping through the windows. Shaggy was hoping he'd finally be able to see Julia in between all the chaos.

"Velma!" Shaggy yelled out, as he saw her being taken as well. He ducked as another monster jumped through the window behind him. Shaggy took a dive over the counter behind the bar, Mary-Jane following. "This is, like the opposite of what I wanted to do today." Shaggy says, glancing over the counter to see what's happening, his mind going to Julia's smiling face, trying to calm his nerves. Shaggy really hoped that she was somewhere safe.

Daphne was on the staircase, she jumped to the floor the bar was located, where Velma left the Daemon Ritus. N'Gooe was sprinting for the Daemon Ritus too, but Daphne got her hands on it first, sticking her tongue out to him. He wasn't able to do anything, because he was pushed back by a crowd of students trying to get away from the monsters.

Daphne took her stance infront of Mr Emile. "Stand back, sir! I'll protect you." she tells him. Mr Emile ended up being grabbed anyway from the floor below. "Mr Mondavarious!" Daphne yelled out. The monster tried to grab her too, she smacked its hands away from her, with her purse.

"Daphne, go!" Shaggy says to her, as they made a run for it, he looked around, "Scooby Doo, where are you?" He yelled out. Shaggy followed the two females to the upper floor.

"Where's Scooby?" Daphne asks, quickly taking a look around a corner. "I don't know, but I hope he's okay. You don't know where Julia is by any chance?" Shaggy asks his voice laced with worry and concern, for the strawberry blonde he hasn't seen all evening.

"She was still busy searching cults when I left." Daphne told him, seeing no monsters near them.

They round the corner when Scooby caught them on one of the luggage trolleys.

"Right here. Scooby Dooby Doo."


The monsters were right behind them, infront of them...

It was a dead end.


They flew threw the window and rolled of the shade like roof landing on the ground.

The four of them ended up hiding in the big vases at 'Head in a vase' as the monsters kept on dragging students away.

Standing up from their hiding spots looking in the direction everyone got dragged off in. "I have a sinking feeling these dudes aren't brain washed cult members." Shaggy says, stating the obvious.

"Then what are they? And what do they want with the college students? We need to follow them." Daphne states making Shaggy look at her as if she's crazy.

"Say what?" he asks.

"So we can defeat the creature's and save Fred, Velma and Julia too." Daphne says looking at him seriously. "Well that's sort of like my plan. Which is find Julia and get the heck out of here. Let the creatures eat Fred and Velma!" Shaggy told her, he would always rather run away, but not without Julia.

"No way! Fred and Velma always figured out everything, even Julia who always seemed to find the small details to a mystery, the rest of us missed. Now, it's our turn, Shaggy. For the first time, they're the damsels in distress. Not me." Daphne says happily, her vase tipped forward making her and the vase fall over.



Daphne, Mary-Jane, Scooby and Shaggy followed the monsters to the bonfire area, where they were walking into a secret entrance. "I'm calling for help." Mary-Jane says, Daphne stopping her, "No. No, I got this. I got this." she says with confidence standing up from where they were hiding, seeing the entrance close, she sat back down dumbfounded.

"I don't got this." Daphne says disappointed. Mary-Jane called the coast guard.

"Coast Guard Fitzgibbon."

"Hello sir. We're on Spooky Island. Our friends were... kidnapped. We need someone here right away!" She told him

"Well, we do have a unit in the vicinity. Can you meet them at the pier?"


"They'll be right there."

That's what they did, they went to the pier waiting for the coast guard to arrive.


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