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"MASTERS AND MISTRESSES, DOMS AND DOMINAS, IT'S FINALLY TIME!" Catherine's voice boomed across the stage to thunderous applause. Spotlights instantly came to light, shining the hot lights upon Nadia and Marie where they stood silently. Nadia couldn't tell if it was nerves or morning sickness, but she was on edge. All week Marie tried to practice with her, but she was stuck in her head after what happened with Lochlan and her father finding out about her assault. Juno's last-minute wedding got her out of her head and allowed her and Marie to finally talk and fine-tune their play scene. 

At first, she was rolling with it when she was asked to be a part of the coronation, even purposely going after her bother's seat just to mess with him, but now she wanted it. To be on par with her big brother in this world, was something she never thought would be possible considering the stories she had heard and what she has seen firsthand. She and Marie rehearsed tirelessly for two days. It didn't help that her parents visited her, dragging Enzio along just as she and Marie found a rhythm that worked. Her father was very gentle when telling her mother about her rape. Without missing a beat her mother promptly told everyone that she already knew, which caused a small argument between her parents, and Marie promptly left due to how they were shouting at one another. After two hours, they kissed and made up, and the two of them began to nitpick about how dirty her house was then her mother began cleaning while ordering her father to grab Raul so they can mow the lawn and rake the leaves. Before Nadia could say anything, her mother told her to go to the kitchen to get dinner ready and ordered Enzio to vacuum the walls. "I don't live here!" he protested, but her mother raised a wooden spoon and he quickly did as told, complaining the entire time. Focus... you need to focus... deep breaths, you got this.

She glanced down to adjust her outfit. Both of them were wearing matching outfits white blouses, tied just under their breasts, black leather skirts, thigh-high white bobby socks, red Mary Janes, and pigtails. Their makeup was the same as well, black lipstick, nothing else. This was her decision and Marie was all for it. The audience was captivated by their dirty schoolgirl look as the two of them step aside to allow Catherine to step between them. She was wearing a gorgeous red glitter sequin mermaid dress that sparkled with every sway of her body and a smile that was infectious as she looked at her, "Mistress Nadia, the woman who many people in this society have dubbed you the dark sister" She smiled at the audience "We thought your bother was one in a million, but after watching your scenes, I'm starting to think its in the genes." Catherine glance over to Marie "who is your play partner?" 

Nadia curtsied "Grand Mistress Montenegro, members of the grand court, and fellow guests. My play partner is Domina Marie from Harlem, New York." The audience applaud as Marie curtsied to them and then to Catherine which caused her to let out a wide smile as she raised her hands before walking into the darkness of the stage and seconds later Juno and Miko emerged between them. Both of them were wearing the same style of leather corset that hugged their breasts but left their back and asses completely exposed. The judges took note of the slaves' outfits Juno's was red and Miko's was white and their lipsticks reflected the other as they performed a pique turn around Nadia and Marie before stopping to face one another, placing their hands on each other's shoulders. Nadia snapped her fingers and a naked servant boy emerged from the shadows holding a silver tray. The servant boy dropped to his knees and raised the tray before her. There was a pine paddle, a wide leather belt, and a cat o' nine tails. The odd number of tools confused the audience, but Nadia smiled as she grabbed the Paddle and Marie grabbed the belt.  

They turned simultaneously, and Nadia slammed the paddle down Juno's upturned ass, as Marie hit Miko's, it made a resounding "thwack" and left a bright red mark across both their cheeks. The two of them twirled to the other twin and another "thwack" echoed around them. This continued until their asses were bright red. Miko squeezed her sister's shoulder and grunted in pain. Juno on the other hand was smiling, biting her lip in a moan while raising her ass higher. Nadia and Marie moved around one another, making it look like dance.  For fifty swats they moved in a hip twist turn, a three-step turn, and a spiral turn, generating a lot of oohs and ahhs as the twin's asses swelled and purple blotches appeared over them as the twins were giving the audience a perfect concerto of pain and pleasure. The three judges, however, didn't care about the showmanship. They were focused on each strike, arm movement, and the angle of their swings.

The Masked Emotions Series Book Five Redux: LovingWhere stories live. Discover now