Cold Wounds

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You traveled long into the cold night in hopes of escaping the burning of the dead thing you called home. Those walls once warm now so incredibly frozen.

You hadn't lied when you said you were checking on the wolves. You made sure their little home was warm as you started a fire for them along with making sure they were calmed in the strange weather. However, you finished tending to them far too early for your liking, the frustration you were trying to escape still lingering. So you left for a long walk. You made sure not to travel farther than the stave, but you had often found yourself at the edge as you walked. And each time you did your eyes would catch on it for a short time, the magic so incredibly familiar to you.

It reminded you of when she first brought you here. How you were so scared to go near it and how your fear had formed an amused smile on her lips. You remembered her walking through it first, like a doe showing a fawn that the field she brought them to wouldn't harm them. It had been warm then, maybe mid-summer. Thinking about it almost made you able to feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. It had been so long since you'd last seen a summer sky, let alone felt it's warm glow.

The comfort of the memories were fleeting, soon replaced with a bittersweet tinge as you felt the wound shoving that grief so far down had created, the blood of your soul spilling over in growing frustration and anger. You tried to calm the feeling, pulling the snapping strings of yourself back in with each breath. But with each time you found yourself here in the past you had found it grew harder. This time you had to practically strangle the strings back into place-

You paused. Your body had processed a sudden strange presence before your mind had even a moment to. Before you could blink you found your bow held tightly in your grip with an arrow drawn. It was only after you had done this that you were fully conscious of the presence of another. Your eyes scanned, not knowing where the feeling came from or what your subconscious saw that you didn't, but you knew something was there. Call it a sixth sense or just a skill from years of training with two of the best warriors these realms had ever seen. Whichever it was, you didn't doubt it for a second.

You pulled your bow back and stared in all directions. You waited with your ears open and your breath soft and steady. Your eyes narrowed as you turned to the trees, hoping for a glimpse, but seeing nothing.

Suddenly a loud strike of lightning hit a few miles away. The flash and thunder temporarily weakened your senses as the static of the bolt dissipated in the air. You hardly had time to register it when you heard something rapidly approaching from behind.

You went to dodge but felt a hand grab your wrist in a tight hild. You released the tension of your bow before quickly grabbing the arrow with your free hand and trying to stab it into whatever grabbed you. You felt whoever it was release, avoiding the cut completely and instead sending a knee into your stomach. It knocked the air from you, your breath catching. Even with no air you didn't stop.

You instead moved to shove the person away, only to find that your hands didn't even land on anyone. Not even a moment later you felt a strike to your face, lucky enough bare knuckled. They tried to swing on you again but you swiftly dodged before you tore from their grip and quickly moved a few steps back, your bow once again trained on the figure who had also taken a few steps from you.

"My my, a little ways from home aren't you?" The man asked. Your face turned to a quick snarl as the smell of blood filled your senses, the warm liquid falling from your nose.

"Who the fuck are you?" You asked, your teeth bared and your tone aggravated. To your fury he gave you a few short tsk’s, mocking you.

"Oh I think you know full well who I am" he spoke with an almost amused tone. Your glare intensified at the audacity of the stranger. Nothing is more irritating than an inflated ego on a man who looked about as breakable as a twig. However, given a second more to stare you suddenly noticed the man's clothing lit by the shine of your bifrost. The gold drew your attention to his importance, whoever he might be, which convinced you to take a closer look. It only took a second glance to notice the horn attached to his hip, its significance instantly recognizable to you.

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