First Impressions

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Slowly you all walked through the bright purple branches of the Yggdrasil, it being even more beautiful than you had remembered it. Granted you'd only been here a few times, courtesy of Brok. But still, you had always found the place so...calming.

Maybe not so much when you were covered in blood, but you'll take what you can get, even if it's with a dash of searing pain.

"Where are we going?" You heard Atreus' voice, not as upbeat as normal, speak up.

"The cleanliness cabin in all the nine realms" the dwarf boasted.
"And I'd prefer it to stay that way. Not looking at anyone in particular...Kratos" you stifled a small laugh at the comment, regretting so when another shot of pain was sent through you.

"Hrmph" Kratos glanced to you as the familiar sound of his grumbling met your ear. You didn't look to him, more so focused on keeping pace. His eyes thankfully left you not so much as a moment later.

"After that Thor incident, we thought we should make up some rooms. 'til you can figure out your next moves" the dwarf explained further. You perked up at the mention of Thor.

So the Aesir gods really had come to the cabin. But for what reason? What business did they have with the three of you?

Perhaps because you all were gods. Did they feel threatened? Or was it to do with stealing Mimir? You had heard of the story of Mimir's beheading many times now, perhaps they simply wanted to get even? Or steal him back-?

"Nearly there!" Sindri called from up ahead, quickly drawing your attention back out of your head. Only a few steps later did you and Kratos walk through the glowing rift before coming out the other side to see the shining gold of an until now unknown home in the Yggdrasil.

"As you can see, we've settled here in the Realm Between Realms. It's nothing much, but it's safe from Fimbulwinter, safe from Odin's eyes, and you really can't beat the view if you're into shimmering gray voids" Sindri continued to rattle on, though you were once again too distracted to pay much attention. You were far too focused on the amazing building that stood in front of you.

After spending years staring at bright white snow and crumbling architecture encased in ice, it was nice to see something that was both intact, colorful, and made with a clear thought for its beauty instead of a soul focus on just the basic necessities.

"That's amazing Sin" Atreus complimented, clearly as awe-struck with the view as you were. You could even hear the joy of his smile through the words.

"Come in come in! Let's find somewhere you can rest" he spoke, urgency slipping back into his voice once more.

Kratos made his way into the building without a single other thought for the dwarf that had been standing in the doorway, nearly pushing him aside. You glanced to Sindri as he did so and could clearly see that he had wanted to say something, what with the slight raise of his hand and the general discomfort easily read on his face. However at Kratos' rush he chose to restrain himself, instead tightly pressing his lips as if to try and hide that he would have said anything at all.

"Right um, the- the chair over there. You can lay them there" Sindri spoke, moving just a bit quicker to catch up and direct him. Kratos moved in the direction that Sindri was showing him and, to your absolute relief, you finally got to sit. Though not without a slight struggle as you groaned and winced with every sudden adjustment. You let out a breath once you were able to finally lay, the searing of your wounds being allowed to fade into slight burning instead.

"I'll go get you some bandages. Hold on just a moment!" Sindri announced as he left with no hesitation to grab what was needed. His feet faded into the distance, and so the room grew into silence.

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