Golden Light

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You paced for a while outside, curses and rage-filled words falling off your tongue in murmurs. You had never felt so small, so useless, so discarded.

It hurt

It hurt to be left here, to have no way out. As if you were an animal. You didn't deserve this. It wasn't your fault- IT WASN'T YOUR FAULT!

After a few minutes of the held-back anger bubbling and brewing under your skin, you let out a fury-filled scream before taking the ax on your back and throwing it at a nearly tree-shaped branch of the Yggdrasil.

In a crackling sound the ax left your hands, glowing yellow and white flecks of light following it before it landed in a sudden bright explosion that sent you flying backward with its sheer force. You quickly covered your head as you landed and bits of the tree splintered and shot in all directions. It was seconds later that the clanking of your ax was heard a few feet away as the remnants of the explosion ended.

Slowly your arms fell, your eyes glued on the place the Yggdrasil once stood. Instead, there was nothing more than flecks of yellow light and a crack of gold that stood alone in the air. You knew it would soon fade, but that didn't make staring at it any less stomach-dropping.

Your anger was gone, overtaken by the shock of what you had caused. You didn't move, you couldn't.

You hadn't meant...

You had never, not in so very long at least. Even if it showed in small shines you had never been so out of control of that part of yourself. Like your grip on it was weakening, falling out through bursts of emotion you usually controlled so well.

You sat stunned on the ground, your mind slowed and quiet now. So quiet in fact that the only words you could hear were the ones usually so silent against the others.

This was why your name never graced the walls of the Jotnar.

You were their unnamed monster. A name better left unwritten to those who would hear the story of the giants. You were no savior, no child of their kind.

You were a monster marked in gold.

"Hey! For the love'a- pull yer damn self together!" you were suddenly pulled from your stunned shock when Brok shook you, where upon you blinked back into existence before immediately pushing him away. You quickly stood to your feet and stepped back, your throat tight as you looked at the dwarf who, despite the destruction you had caused, didn't seem fazed.
"Ain't no needs ta go pushin' me every fuckin' time" he commented as he stood. You didn't move for a long moment. Your shock still held strongly onto you, those previous words once so quiet now echoing through your head. Brok brushed himself off before turning around to the destruction. He shook his head a bit.

"What went and blew yer fuckin' lid?" He questioned before turning back to you. You couldn't find the words in your throat, let alone have any fall off your tongue. After a long pause a solemn look soon took over your features. You shook your head slightly as if it would shake off the reality of what you had caused before turning to go grab your ax.

With the shock still flickering through your shaky hands you simply couldn't bring yourself to address anything that had happened. You had gone so long, had controlled it so well, only for it to come out in accidental destruction caused by your inability to stay calm.

So you numbed. You let all your shock and disgust and hatred and- and anger. You felt it leave though not in any way relieving. It instead fled from your body like the ocean before a tidal wave.

"That bad huh? Well c'mon then. S'go get all them splinters off ya 'for Sindri gets back" he continued as he waved you over. You were confused a moment before you noticed the slight gashes that covered your skin, the pain numbed. You blinked away your confusion, grabbing your nearly destroyed ax before following Brok back inside more out of a need to find any sort of distraction than any actual want to return into your temporary prison.

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