Burning Eyes

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"You've returned! Now if you'd just-" Sindri barely got more than a few words out before he realized he was being completely ignored as Kratos simply strided in, ruining the floor the dwarf had just cleaned once more. Sindri stopped the steps he had been taking to meet the three, his eyes momentarily held on the tracked in dirt with a look of clear disgust and annoyance. He was pulled from this only when he realized that Kratos was quickly overtaking his personal space. So we went to take a few steps back, his nervous smile invading his face once more. Though by the way he seemed so willing to approach Kratos in the first place you quickly realized that he hadn't caught on to his agitated state. Not that the stoic man made it easy. Frankly you didn't blame the dwarf. Moreover, you felt rather bad for whatever was going to be taken out on him

"Well uh um- anybody need a snack? Kratos? Snack?" The man, rather uselessly, attempted to play the good host. You silently winced back a little when Kratos' stare deepened on him.

"I do not need a snack" his voice carried more monotone than normal, his eyes glued to Sindri. You wondered what he could have done to deserve his anger. Whatever it was it certainly couldn't be good.

Then you watched as Atreus, always one to play the diplomat and rarely ever doing it successfully, stood between the two.

"What we need is your help getting to Svartalfheim so we can try to rescue Týr" Atreus managed to string together a set of words that nearly gave you a damn heart attack as it opened several different boxes of questions in your mind. They wanted to waltz right into Odin's territory as if the only known living sons of Odin hadn't just shown up at your home? To save a presumingly dead god of war? When did all of this happen?!-

"T-Týr? Al-Alive? I mean that's...whaaat" oh no. Oh that had to be just about the worst lying you'd ever seen in your life. You felt even your sore muscles tense at the pitiful display-


He knew? Is that what Atreus and him had been sneaking off to find out? And here you thought Atreus had just been getting tired of the restricting ways of your father.

"It's okay. I told him everything" Atreus spoke as if he didn't just sign away Sindri's lease on life.

"Everything" Sindri's eyes showed the sudden fear he had coursing through his system. That and betrayal.

"You aided my son in disobeying me" Kratos finally spoke, taking a few threatening steps forward. It surprised you a little. It had been a while since you'd seen him this threatening-

"Well I'll be damned, you're still kickin'!" Your attention was suddenly drawn away from the conflict at the sudden appearance of someone. Upon realizing who it was though you couldn't help the small smile that tugged at the corner of your lips, even with the tense situation happening just over at the front door. You weren't too concerned with it though. If your father wanted to kill the dwarf he would have done it by now.

"And you still smell like shit" you teased lightheartedly as he stepped closer, a hardy laugh leaving the man.

"Least I don't look it! What'n Hel's ice gone and got you alls fucked up? Dancin' with Draugr or somethin'?" He asked, motioning to just your generally disheveled state. Despite the way his words might sound to anyone else, that being offensive and rude, you knew the man well enough to take it as a kindness that he had asked at all.

"No, though that does sound like a good time" you commented back, moving away from your more tense posture into a bit of a slouched one as you grew more comfortable.
"I actually had my own little date with the lap dog of sir All-Fucker himself" you relaid, though your words moved from joking to a bit of weariness.

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