A God Thought Dead

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"Sindri!" Atreus yelled in greeting, his smile wide on his face. You were too distracted to turn to the boy as you watched Kratos' eyes try to melt you where you stand.

"I'd return your surprise but I did know you'd be here!" Sindri returned the greeting with a tone more cheerful than a few moments ago. And, once the two had gotten closer, he continued.

"I've got something for you!" Those words seemed to peak Kratos' interest. At least enough for him to slowly turn his eyes away from you and to the dwarf.

"What is it dwarf?" He asked, his voice monotone in a way that you knew meant he was irritated. Looking back towards Sindri you see his hands fidgeting and nervous in his movements, especially as he began to walk away from the table and what you knew he was gifting them with.

"You know I'm glad I came back here at least once before Ragnarok" he spoke, turned away from all of you as he did. As if talking to no one.

"Oh, if these cobblestones could talk" he reminisced as he looked around longingly. It was clear he really did miss this place.

"Then they'd have mouths...filthy disgusting mouths" he glances turned much more stiff, almost like he was imagining what it would be like and being quietly horrified with the thought. Then suddenly he turned back over, pointing towards Atreus.

"Do you mind if I fiddle with your bow?" He asked and without hesitation the boy handed it over.

It was then that Kratos turned to you before motioning you away. You knew better than to fight the simple request, as bad as you wished not to speak with him, so you followed him.

"You should not be here" he started the conversation off on the worst note possible, though you knew him as a man of very little subtly.

"Given the way the entire city cowers away it seems neither should the two of you" you answered with the same energy as him. With a sudden movement he was looming over you again, this time his anger not so hidden as it was before.

"This childishness needs to end. This is reckless" he spoke in a poor attempt at a whisper through gritted teeth. You felt every inch of your body boil at him having put himself so close to you, his figure mere inches away. So much so that your glare turned snarl like with the sudden wave of rage that overtook you. You were sure, had you not gotten your cloak, that your eyes would be gleaming at him.

"I am aware you think so little of me that you believe I'm so unable to control myself. So I have taken precautions" you display the metal rings that you had placed in your satchel and gesture down at the white bear skin you had placed on your body lined in a magic hidden from plain view.

"I will have you know, though, that even without these my leave would have been anything but reckless, given that you left me behind with no clue as to what was happening. So my apologies for being so childish as to want to know the reason I was nearly killed the other night and why we must so suddenly search for a dead god" you spoke through your own set of gritted teeth and anger. You two remained standing for a long paused moment in utter silence as you stared at one another, as if waiting to see who folded first.

"Hrm..." he finally answered. Despite your growing anger his seemed to simmer and, thankfully, he took a step back from you.

"Uh, if I may cut in here a moment-" Mimir tried to interject.

"No" the both of you answered in unison. After that it seemed Kratos had finished whatever business he had with you as he went to return to Sindri and Atreus. You followed not so far behind.

"Skjálfa!" Atreus released an arrow into a nearby wagon, the medal there compressing the same way the gate did. The boy's smile widened at the sight.


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