On the Other Side

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The energy spike had appeared on the sensors about a few nanocycles ago. The moment Soundwave discovered the anomaly, he had forwarded it to Megatron. The ex-gladiator feared that it could've been a weapon of mass destruction, and if the Autobots found it, then all life on Earth was doomed.

He had sent Breakdown and Skyquake to dig up the artifact and send a report after locating the source so that whatever it was could be extracted for study.

Within a few weeks, a status update had come in. Indeed there was something there but it seemed like neither Breakdown or Skyquake knew what they had found.

Megatron called them back for some well deserved rest and sent Starscream, Shockwave, and Sir Soundwave to assess the situation and extract the artifact.

The second that the trio entered the makeshift mine that Breakdown and Skyquake had created, they felt an odd stir in the air. Soundwave fidgeted nervously, fiddling with the ends of his bandana. Starscream's wings fluttered uneasily. "Somehow I feel this is more than just a simple bomb or a gun", Starscream remarked as they walked through the tunnel. "Considering Breakdown and Sqyquake were unable to give a concrete description outside of 'weird box with a purple glow', I am inclined to agree", replied Shockwave. Sir Soundwave gave a small electronic trill, but was otherwise silent.

The bots soon reached the main chamber where the artifact was.

Starscream pouted. "It really is just a weird box…"

Shockwave begged to differ. "Maybe, but there's something about it that intrigues me…"

The cube on the pedestal was definitely far from unremarkable. While it was small, it was very intricately made. There was a single gear on two of the cube's sides surrounded by an elegant pattern that glowed a somber violet. The cube itself appeared to be made of a dark silver metal.

"Soundwave, can you do an analysis?", Shockwave asked. The results were immediately plastered on Soundwave's visor.

Shockwave's audial fins drooped in disappointment. "'Unknown'? What in the name of Primus…"

Starscream rolled his eyes. "Let's just hurry up. Otherwise that big lug of a leader is going to think we hurt ourselves somehow. Is it safe to touch?"

Shockwave studied Soundwave's visor.

"Yes. No harmful materials detected. Allow me. I need to take it to my lab anyway."

Shockwave approached the pedestal and marveled at the cube in front of him. That's when he noticed something. "Oh? One of the gears is spinning." Starscream and Soundwave peered over the scientist's shoulders.

"So- IT IS-!", Soundwave remarked using random voice clips of his fellow Decepticons.


"Could it do that any louder", Starscream groaned. "It's torture on the audio receptors."

Just then, Starscream's comm buzzed. He groaned. "What do you want, Skyquake?"
"Megs was too nervous to call, but he wants to know if everything is fine down there."
Of course. Megatron was always just a little too protective of his SIC, a well known fact among the Cons. Starscream smirked.

"Well we're fine. That stupid gear is about to get on my nerves though."

"Wait, the gear?", Skyquake asked, puzzled. "You mean it's moving?"

"Was it not moving earlier?"

"No. It wasn't doing anything like that! Weird…"

At that moment, Shockwave had grabbed the cube in his hand and was attempting to examine it further. A grave mistake.


The cube immediately let out a force so strong it sent Shockwave flying directly into Starscream, knocking the seeker out cold and leaving Skyquake to yell on comms if he was alright. The cube floated in the air as the gears began to spin faster and faster. The gentle purple glow was now harsher and filled the entire room. Violet lightning spewed from the cube like tentacles.


Over the sheer volume of the gears, Shockwave could faintly hear some static. He sat up in spite of the pain and to his horror realized that Soundwave was still near the cube. The TIC had his servos over his audio receptors, desperately trying to block the sound out as he hissed in anguish. 

"Soundwave, get back!", Shockwave warned. But it was far too late.

Tendrils of purple electricity wrapped themselves around Soundwave's chassis and legs and began to drag him even closer. He panicked and grabbed onto a rock with his servos and attempted to pull himself back.

He played a clip of Starscream yelling "FOR THE LOVE OF PRIMUS, HELP ME, SHOCKWAVE!".

Shockwave was up in an instant. "I'm coming, Soundwave!"

He ran over to where Soundwave was holding on for dear life and punched his gun arm into the wall in an attempt to anchor himself. He extended a servo to Soundwave. "Grab my hand! Quickly!"

Soundwave struggled at first but he managed to reach out towards Shockwave as he pulled himself away from the cube's grip. "You're almost there," Shockwave encouraged. "Almost-!"

Their digits grew closer. And closer…

But then Soundwave felt the tendrils tug hard on his body and he soon lost the grip he had on the rocks. In an instant, the TIC was yanked back towards the cube at a high speed. "SOUNDWAVE!", Shockwave called out. Soundwave let out a stream of static and panicked beeping as the cube's light swallowed him whole before a sudden force knocked Shockwave back down.

The light faded away and the gears stopped moving as the cube dropped to the ground. With the light not blinding his optic, Shockwave could clearly see that Soundwave was gone. He looked around the cave, desperately looking for his comrade. "Soundwave! Come in! What is your status?!?"

There was no reply. Shockwave couldn't even track his friend's vitals anymore. At that moment, Starscream had snapped out of stasis lock and Skyquake and Breakdown came rushing in to assess the situation. As Skyquake went to ensure that Starscream was not severely injured, Breakdown approached the scientist. "Shockwave! What happened? Where's the TIC?" Shockwave turned to look at him. Optic wide in shock and his servos shaking. "He's… gone…"

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