Oddity and Anamoly

894 32 11

Main systems rebooting... Complete.
Internal damage: Negligible.
External damage: Negligible.
Laserbeak Status: Stable.
Optics: Online.

Soundwave's optics flickered on and the TIC winced as bright lights blinded him. "Oh, geez! I'm sorry! Let me move that out of the way." There was no mistaking Knock Out's voice. So he was in the repair bay...
Soundwave had a very murky recollection of what had occurred to him. All he remembered was attempting to retrieve the cube... And then something happened. What exactly it was was a blur.
A creak and the bright light moved out of Soundwave's optics but it was still too bright. The room was a sterile white with nary a dark color in sight. The TIC sat up on the medical berth. Knock Out's voice came from his right. "Alright. Vitals look good. I'll let Big M know you're awake. Glad to have you back, Sir Soundwave."
Sir Soundwave?

Soundwave looked at Knock Out, but instead of bright red, the medic was now a vivid teal and had blue optics. His chassis was riddled with small scratches yet he didn't seem to care. "Oh, and can I say that I'm kind of digging the whole 'tall, dark and handsome' look you've got going on?", The medic added. "You stand out a bit more than usual but I don't mind. Maybe I ought to get a new paint job too..." Soundwave decided he didn't have time for this and got out of the berth and immediately left the repair bay. Behind him, Knock Out scoffed. "You're welcome!", He called out sarcastically. Soundwave ignored him and began to make his way to his post but was stopped when he bumped into something yellow coming from the adjacent hall. "Oh! Soundwave! How's your processor?"

Soundwave looked up and saw Shockwave, although he was now a bright gold and his optic was also blue. Additionally his voice lacked that flat and level tone that he usually had. The golden Shockwave placed his right hand on Soundwave's shoulder. "You're heading back to your post, I assume", Shockwave surmised. "I imagine that Megatron has received Knock Out's message about your awakening. I was heading to the main room anyway. I'll walk with you if that is fine." Seeing no harm in it, Soundwave gave him a silent nod and allowed the larger mech to follow him. Shockwave cleared his voice box nervously. "Um, I know you just woke up and I'm not sure how bad the damage was, but..." He turned away sheepishly. Soundwave stared at him in confusion.
"If you want to... On our next shore leave... We could, oh I don't know... Maybe share a bit of high grade?"
Soundwave continued to stare. It was unlike Shockwave to suggest anything outside of the Predacon Project or whatever else Megatron requested of him. And he certainly did not peg Shockwave as a high grade drinker. The scientist coughed. "Just... Think about it?"
It was pure silence until they finally reached the front of the ship.

"Soundwave! Thank the Allspark!" A thunderous rhythm of heavy pedes rapidly approached Soundwave and he felt bulky servos grab his arms. Stunned, he was about to throw the invader off when he realized who it was. It looked like Megatron but he somehow looked several stellar cycles younger and was a clean white with red accents. Much like everyone else so far, his optics were also blue and his helm seemed to be rather ornate, almost 'angelic' as humans would probably say. Not that Soundwave cared. He just wanted to know what happened while he was out of commission that everything around him was able to change so drastically.
Megatron moved Soundwave's helm around as if checking for injuries before letting him go. "Well, it looks like Knock Out took good care of you. But you did hit your head pretty hard. How about you take it easy for the day? You're officially on shore leave."

Soundwave stood there, unsure of how to respond. He hadn't had much time to relax before but he was so used to working for most of the day that he didn't feel like he wanted to relax. And yet there he was, being told to not do anything extraneous. Megatron turned his attention to the one-eyed mech next to Soundwave. "The same goes for you too, Shockwave." Shockwave's audial fins flipped up. "What? But sir, Project Predacon-" "Can be put on hold", Megatron cut him off. "Right now I want you to ensure that Soundwave actually relaxes the whole time. And you've been working on Project Predacon for many mega cycles. You need a break, Shockwave."
Shockwave's shoulders slumped as he sulked. "...Yessir."
Megatron smiled warmly, which Soundwave was not used to. "Good. You're both dismissed."
Megatron left the bow, leaving Shockwave and Soundwave alone with each other.

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