Adaptation Should Be Left to Animals

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Soundwave rarely ever got angry, but this world was certainly trying to get him to snap. The copy of Breakdown had dragged him straight into the repair bay and was now chastising him for 'starting a fight with the Autobots' and 'wrecking his finish'. He had to sit there for a solid Earthen hour while Breakdown buffed his frame. He had to admit though, it was amusing to see the normally brutish bot care so deeply about vanity.
But he had better things to do than worry about his paint job. He needed to get back to the REAL Decepticons and the REAL Megatron.

He left the repair bay, his frame shining vividly, no thanks to Breakdown's excessive buffing. Soundwave hated it. Being shiny like this meant that even a single light source would reflect off of you and give away your position, which is why he kept his frame mostly dull. Though he knew full well if Knockout wasn't so terrified of him, he would have buffed the spymaster ten times over.
Soundwave clenched his fists in frustration. Of all the universes to end up in, he was sent to the most annoying one possible. Figures.

He'd have to get some peace and quiet. He had long since hooked himself up to the ship's systems. It was surprisingly identical to the Nemesis so he had no trouble getting all the information and clearance he needed. This included a layout of the ship, which was also fairly similar to the Nemesis. Soundwave activated a ground bridge right in front of himself and walked through to the next set of coordinates, that being his private quarters. He needed silence to think properly and plan ahead. Since it was highly unlikely that anyone was going to barge into his room unannounced outside of emergencies, there was very little chance he was going to be distra-


Soundwave tripped on something and fell face first into the metal floors. When he raised his helm to look up, he saw why.
The room was a complete trainwreck. Posters were haphazardly plastered on the wall, the bed was littered with useless knick-knacks, the desk had a stack of empty energon cubes to one side and their were a few stains on the floor. Soundwave immediately tried to get up and felt nausea creep in as he felt something sticky on his chest. It was obvious the floor had not been polished in a good while and yet the place was miraculously devoid of pests.
The spymaster tip-toed through the messy room, trying to keep as much of his pedes away from the floor as possible. He made it to the desk and attempted to prop himself on the chair but quickly reeled back when his hand stuck to that too. There was no doubt about it. This room was absolutely disgusting.

Luckily, the monitor that was on the desk was perfectly clean. Soundwave extended a data cable from his body and attempted to access its contents. Instantly, he was sent to a rather primitive password entry screen. Above it was a single question:
What must be defended at all cost? (Reminder: password is in all caps, spaces are not valid.)

Soundwave attempted to bypass the password but for whatever reason, he simply couldn't. Whoever designed the security for this computer made it so that even the spy couldn't break in. Clever. Annoying, but clever. It seemed he'd have to guess the password. Taking both the question and the context of the world he was in into deep consideration, Soundwave attempted to answer.

Access denied.

He tried a different one, though it was still in the same vein as the last answer.

Access denied.

Soundwave allowed himself to vent in frustration.

Access denied. Displaying secondary hint.

A hint? Well it was better than nothing. Soundwave read the next sentence that appeared.

Look at your chest.

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