Game Plan

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Sir Soundwave zipped through the sky with Laserbeak as they took the kids back to the Autobots. "This is so cool!", Miko exclaimed as she looked out the cockpit at the world below. "I almost wish Bulkhead could fly too!" Sir Soundwave trilled happily. It was good hearing Miko be happy, even if it was a Miko from another dimension. "Let's just hope the Autobots don't get trigger happy while we're still in Soundwave", Jack said to himself. "Or I guess it's Sir Soundwave."
Raf looked out the window with Miko. "Hmm... I think we're almost near the base. You promise not to tell the Decepticons where the Autobots are, right?"
"Cross my spark and hope to go offline", replayed a clip of Sir Soundwave's Megatron.

Just then, Laserbeak sent Soundwave a message.
Unusual energy signatures detected.
Sending field diagnostics.
Sir Soundwave looked over the report Laserbeak sent to him. Somewhere on a high plateau, a strange energy signal was being emitted from what looked like an abandoned silo nearby. Sir Soundwave cautiously flew near it, angling himself so that the kids could see. "Home sweet home, Jack said with a smile. Sir Soundwave made a mental note on the base's location should he ever feel the need to return.
"Could you land us at the base of the hill right there?", Raf asked, pointing to a spot near the ground. "That's where we often enter. Just be careful. The Autobots probably think you're our universe's Soundwave."

Sir Soundwave beeped softly as he descended.
Raf patted the windows. "Don't worry. We'll vouch for you if we need to."
Once Sir Soundwave was steady and close to the ground, the kids unbuckled and prepared to exit the cockpit.


"Uh, I think the 'Bots are coming." Miko pointed to the plateau, where a hidden door was sliding open. Sir Soundwave shook but kept himself steady. One by one the children leapt out of the drone and started to run towards the door. As Sir Soundwave prepared to leave, a faint engine roar steadily grew louder. "Scrap!", Miko swore. "Soundwave! Get outta there! Quick!"
Without any hesitation, Sir Soundwave put his thrusters into overdrive and flew away from the base just as a blue motorcycle sped towards him.

Arcee transformed and shot at Soundwave several times when Jack called out to her. "Arcee! Wait! Don't shoot!"
"Are you kidding?!", She scoffed. "I'm not going to let Soundwave run back to Megatron when he knows where we live, Jack!"
"But that's the thing", Jack tried to explain, "This Soundwave is different!"
Arcee raised a brow and lowered her blasters.
"... Elaborate."
"A different dimension? You can't be serious."
There was laughter in Ratchet's voice, though his face suggested he was not amused. "Come on, Miko. Even you gotta know that sounds unbelievable", Bulkhead told his human companion.
"But it's true!", Replied Raf. "The Soundwave that was just here isn't the one we're all used to. He's from a dimension where the Decepticons are the good guys." "And where we're the ones wanting to destroy Earth", finished Arcee.

Standing to the side, Optimus processed what the kids had told him. He vaguely remembered seeing something about an alternate dimension here and there... Something about a star?
"But who's to say that this Soundwave from another dimension won't tell the Decepticons here?", Ratchet spat. "For all we know, we can be expecting a barrage of fire on the base in just a few nanocycles!"
"Hey! He doesn't trust the 'Cons in our world! Soundwave said they were different from the ones in his home dimension."

Bumblebee beeped something. "It's crazy, but it's true, Bee! If he really was as bad as our world's Soundwave, would we even be here?"
Ratchet opened hia mouth but closed it as he thought about what Raf said.
"True", he finally spoke. "But even if we took you all at face value, who's to say that this other Soundwave won't try to hurt us?"
"He trusts us", Miko piped in. "Maybe we can help?"

Ratchet rolled his optics and turned to Optimus Prime, who had been lost in thought. "What do you think, Optimus?"
"While the feeling of distrust is reasonable", Optimus said, calm and punctual as usual, "This Soundwave had exhibited behavior that is unlike the Soundwave we've come to know. That being said, it is also not unreasonable to assume that he would not want to cooperate with those he deems unjust."

"We still don't know if he's telling the truth about this whole 'traveling between dimensions' thing", Arcee said. "There's a good chance that it's some kind of Decepticon trick. I wouldn't put it past them." "Lot of effort for what's essentially a lie", Bulkhead retorted. "I mean, Soundwave would've had to paint his whole body and find a cloth big enough to wrap around his helm. Not to mention he seems like the silent type, but he's willing to talk to the kids? It's weird."

It was a difficult decision. On one hand, it was still Soundwave to a degree, meaning that he was unlikely to readily betray Decepticons. On the other hand, his behavior seemed unlike what was known about him, as was his appearance.
Optimus turned to the three humans. "Would you say you trust this... Sir Soundwave?", He asked earnestly. The trio looked at each other for a moment. "It's only been less than a day", Raf said for all three of them. "But we should at least give him a chance. Maybe he can help us out. He could act like an informant, giving us information on Deceptican intel. It's just up to you guys to decide if you trust him too."

Optimus seemed to consider Raf's suggestion. "That will have to be discussed in greater depth. In the meantime, we ask that you remain at a safe distance from Soundwave until we can verify whether he is a friend... Or a foe."
Sir Soundwave finally felt his spark calm down the further he got from the Autobot base. It was a close call for sure, having Arcee nearly send his sorry tailpipe to meet Primus. But he had managed to slip past her shots and live another day, at least for now.
As he looked for the Nemesis, Sir Soundwave let his thoughts take over.

As intriguing as this world was, he felt like he was being threatened on both sides. He already had to deal with nearly getting found out by Shockwave, so being shot up by Autobots didn't sound like a radical time.
In just a short while, a dark mass began to materialize in front of the spymaster. He arched up to the roof. Once he was close enough to the ground, Soundwave shifted back into his robot mode.

Entering the dark ship, he swiftly straightened his posture and relaxed his limbs. Sir Soundwave did his best to keep his footsteps as quiet as possible in order to sell his facade. It was easy to fool the Vehicons as they tended to avoid looking too intently at the spy. But it was harder to swindle those in command.
Sir Soundwave had pretty much blown his cover with Shockwave, and he wasn't sure if Starscream, Megatron, and the other officers would stay fooled for long. Staying here for the long run was no longer an option.

Sir Soundwave quickly reviewed Shockwave's notes on the artifact that he had uncovered with his comrades.
Apparently, it was called the Fallen Star and Shockwave theorized that it was somehow capable of transporting beings into a pocket dimension. However that was the full extent of the research. The rest of the notes were filled with logs of failed experiments to activate the cube manually.
Sir Soundwave realized he was going to have to take matters into his own servos.

The plan was far from simple. First, he had to anchor trust in the bogus Decepticons in this universe. He had already damaged relations with the phony Shockwave and possibly worsened it when he deleted all the data on his datapad.
Starscream seemed to still be skeptical, but a bit of camaraderie (feigned or otherwise) should be enough to win the seeker over. With all the background information in his drives, Sir Soundwave was convinced he had a chance of fooling this world's Megatron.
There were likely to be other Cons that would need to be convinced that Sir Soundwave was totally not going to backstab them, but that was a tomorrow problem.

The next step was to steal the Fallen Star, which was certain to be easier said than done. No doubt this world's Shockwave had the artifact in a highly secure environment.

After that... Well that's where it got a bit more complex. There was a very good chance that the Cons would eventually catch wind that the Spymaster had deceived them. As such, he'd need a refuge to hide out until he could learn more about the Fallen Star and find a way back home.
The problem was that he couldn't think of any possible place that he would be protected.


Okay, that was a lie.
There was one potential place: The Autobot base. He'd have to prove he wasn't hostile first (and subsequently shown he can trust the Autobots of this universe), but Sir Soundwave didn't have the time or energy to be looking for another hiding spot.
For now, it was time to initiate phase one of his probably really awful plan.

AN: Hiii!! It's the weekend here and my Driver's ED is going alright! Sorry for a lack of quality and length on this chapter, I'm having a bit of writer's block lol. I'll try my best to make a better chapter next time! Sir Soundwave's misadventure is far from over!

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