Chapter Two: Anytime

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One year later

"Emma, girlfriend, we're gonna be late if you don't stop dawdling!" Taryn Kane yelled as she surveyed herself in front of the mirror. "He's going to like you just the way you are."

Emma stuck her head out from her bedroom door. "You mean 'they' are going to like me the way I am. I haven't seen them in at least six months."

"I mean 'he.' I mean J.C.," Taryn said slyly as she brushed her short auburn hair and curled it under.

Emma came out, wearing a navy shift. Her straight black hair was newly flipped, and she carried a lipstick -- her one cosmetic accessory -- in one hand and a cardigan in the other. Her brow was furrowed in thought.

"Yes, J.C. will be there," she said seriously. "But he's my friend. Of course I want to see him. And Justin. And the rest."

"Emma dear," Taryn sighed, shaking her head. "The two of you talk on the phone. You e-mail each other. You write letters. Whenever they're in New York --"

"Which has only been twice since we met," Emma interjected.

"-- They call you and you get to see them for like, an hour. And in all that time, it's been pretty obvious to me who you like the best."

"Taryn," Emma fumed. "We've had this conversation a gazillion times, I swear. They're all great. I keep in touch with some more than others. Must I underline this again?"

"Sounds like you do. For yourself," Taryn replied, eyeing her friend closely.

Emma turned her back on her to face the mirror. She was excited to see J.C., but was concentrating, as she had their last two visits, to keep things light and casual. With mild success, she'd managed to block out daydreams. There had even been other romantic interests in between, and a few flirtations. She was a college senior embarking on a career where glitz and glamour crossed her path, but would never be part of her life. There was a clear line between worlds, and Emma was on the other side. She'd even wished J.C. would turn out to be a jerk so she could write him off forever. But he hadn't.

"I'm excited for tonight! Is that a crime? Their U.S. album is coming out, and it'll be the first time I see them perform live."

Taryn tossed her a Kleenex. "Blot, girl," she said teasingly. "In your efforts to defend yourself, you have applied your lipstick four times."

* * * * * * * * * *

The hotel ballroom was pulsating with music when Taryn and Emma walked in. RCA executives and other industry bigwigs were hobnobbing with up-and-comers, while other patrons schmoozed with anyone famous they saw. Taryn and Emma suddenly felt out of place.

"Well," Taryn said, surveying the room. "I see music. I see food. What first?"

The roommates looked at each other. "Food."

Taryn headed to the drink bar. Emma approached one of the draped tables laid out with food but soon found her path to the hors d'oeuvres blocked by a tall blond.

"Excuse me," Emma said, until she looked up and saw him smiling at her.

"Timberlake? Is that you?"

"In the flesh." Justin engulfed her in a hug. "Glad you came."

"What the heck happened to you, you ate a magic mushroom or something?" Emma said, incredulous. She barely reached his chest.

"These growth spurts. They happen so much later in males," Justin offered, munching on a carrot. "I'm now the tallest of the guys."

"You're even taller than J.C.?"

"Yes ma'am. Have you seen him yet? He's excited to see you."

"No." Emma scanned the room. "Where is he?"

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