Chapter Eight: Return to Dagobah

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After the medics and the med droids finally clear Luke and I to leave, we take the Y-wing I've been working on, and finally fixed, and an X-wing for Luke. I've got the Y-wing stocked with everything I need for our birthday, something Biggs helped me with. Mostly providing reasonable excuses for me being away while I went to Tatooine to get what I needed, and occasionally going himself, with the excuse that I ordered him to, and since I outrank him, it's plausible.

On the way to Dagobah, Artoo constantly chatters. Eventually, I can't resist teasing back.

After he beeps, "Are you sure we should be going? You were just cleared to leave."

I say, "Why, Artoo, I do believe Threepio's rubbing off on you!"

He squeals in surprise and denial, his outburst making me laugh. It is true, we were just cleared to leave, but Isla said that as long as I bring bacta batches I could leave. She even said that if my eye doesn't hurt during the day, I don't have to wear the bacta batch at night.

"Hey Leeda, how long do you think until we reach Dagobah?" Luke says in my head. Master Yoda taught us how to talk to each other in our heads, which can be very fun, and useful.

"Well, we've been in hyperspace for about two hours now, so from the coordinates of the Rebel ship to Dagobah, I'd say at most it'll be four more hours." That's the reason we aren't using the comm, it doesn't work in hyperspace

"Ugh... I hate flying in hyperspace for that long, it's boring."

"Now Luke, remember what Master Yoda says about patience. A Jedi must be patient."

"Oh shut up, Leeda. You know as well as I do that you are just as impatient as I am."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

My calculations were pretty much on point, about four hours after Luke asked, we come out of hyperspace. The first thing I hear afterward is a crackle on my comm.


"Hey Lee."

"Hello Biggs, might I ask why you are calling my comm right now? Also, please tell me you encrypted the transmission before you called."

"I did, um, I wanted to know if there was a way to reach you while you were planetside."

"I don't think so, but even if there were, Master Yoda isn't keen on allowing Luke and I to have our comms with us while we're training. Why?"

"No reason, really. Just thought you both might like to talk to a couple of friends, that's all. It's fine."

"Okay, and to be honest talking might be nice, but Master Yoda, as odd and funny as he can be, he can also be very strict. Hey Biggs, we're about to enter the atmosphere, so I have to go."

"Okay, you tell Luke, and keep this in mind, stay out out of trouble. I don't care if you outrank me, I will come there and personally bring you both back if you cause too much trouble."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like we would ever cause trouble."

"Good-bye Leeda, I'll see you when you're a Jedi."

"Bye Biggs."

After I sever the connection with Biggs, I start my landing cycle, following my brother. As soon as we land, after I pop the cover of my Y-wing, I see Master Yoda and Callum standing there, just waiting. Before I climb out, I take a deep breath, needing the small opportunity to avoid looking in Callum's eyes. While I told him we were leaving, and that's when I told him goodbye, I can guess that he's hurt.

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