Chapter Thirteen: Rejection

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(Darth Vader's POV)

My children have both rejected me. I offered that they join me, to overthrow the Emperor! But they refused me. Instead of joining me, they jumped off of the platform. For a moment I thought they were dead, but I still felt their presence in my mind. My Light half was worried for them, he has become more and more vocal since I discovered my children.

"You don't care. And even if you did, I'm you! It would be a little hard for you to get rid of me."

"Would you shut up."


"Then get to the point!" I hate having these conversations. Skywalker is annoying.

"You know that you just thought that you were annoying, right?"


"Never mind, I'll get to the point. My point is, the reason they rejected you and nearly gave me a heart attack, is because you are an evil sleemo. The both of them, then decided to jump off the platform, with Leeda unable see out of one eye, and Luke having only one hand, and nearly give ME a heart attack in the process!"

"Are you done yet?"

"No. I am not. You also shock them by being a drama king and telling them that the most well known Sith in the galaxy is their father, especially since they thought I was dead! And you grievously injured my children! Your children."

"You haven't cared for nearly the past twenty-two years. Why do you suddenly care now?"

"Because, I care about my children. The reason I never cared before is because I thought they were dead. Something you full well know, since you are simply the Dark side of me."

"Now are you done?"



"I have a few questions for you. Do you not care about Luke and Leeda? Do you not feel love when you think about them? And, isn't your first instinct to protect them from pain?"

"I am not going to answer those."

"Why not? It's not like I can tell anyone."

"I am a Sith. Unlike you. I do not feel... love."

"Uh huh. Just answer my questions."

"What answers would you like?

"I'm not telling you that. Just answer with honesty. You know I'll keep pestering you until you are.

"Fine. I do care about them. And I do feel warm when I think about them, and unfortunately, yes. I would rather die myself than let them be hurt."

"You do have a heart then, Vader."

"Oh, shut up Skywalker. I need sleep tonight."

"You don't sleep."


"Okay. Enjoy your night."

After I enter my hyperbaric chamber so that I may remove my mask to get the few hours of sleep that I can, I remove both pieces of my mask. I sit down in my chair that is in the middle of the chamber, then close my eyes and sleep. In sleep I hear a woman laughing, but it's not I laugh I recognize, then my vision clears and I can see.

In the inside of a Y-wing, two people are talking. The girl, and the pilot, is Leeda, but I don't recognize the boy that is with her. From the view outside of the canopy they are in hyperspace. In my mind I feel Skywalker relax, and then I see a planet I know well, Tatooine. Luke is standing outside of a cave, looking out at the sunset with a small smile, no doubt feeling his sister's joy.

Skywalker relaxes further, and then I am transported once more to the past.

(Anakin's POV)

Tonight, once again, I see the fires of Mustafar. I have just killed the Separatist Council, and see Padmé's ship approaching the planet. I go out to meet her, and for a moment, I am tempted to leave the Dark Side, and run away with her.

Padmé begs me to stop what I am doing, but the darkness has consumed my mind. And I lash out. Reaching my hand out, I begin to cut off her breathing. She reaches her hands up to try and pry away the invisible fingers around her throat. Obi-Wan and Ileema then come down the ramp.

Ileema pleads with me first, attempting to stop me. But again, the darkness has consumed my mind so much, that it makes no difference. When Obi-Wan says that he will fight me if he must, Ileema only lowers her head, saying that she will not fight either of us. Between Obi-Wan and I, a vicious duel ensues.

When we get close enough to that landing platform during our duel, I see that only Ileema is outside, waiting by the ramp of the shuttle. Padmé has been brought inside, she and our baby are safe. No, babies. Luke and Leeda, the twins, this time I remember, I did not kill Padmé.

I know this is horrible for Vader to see, it's horrible for me too, but worse, I think, for him. He wakes up, and is angry, like usual.

"You know you can forgive yourself for her death. You didn't kill her, and neither did I."


"She died after she had the twins. That means that she at least made it off of Mustafar. I did not kill her, and neither did you. In fact, I'm starting to believe that Palpatine is the one who is actually responsible for Padmé's death."

"That's ridiculous. Stop being so naive."

"I'm not being naive. Who was the first one to reveal that she had died?"

"The Emperor..."

"Who was the one who said he could save her?"

"The Emperor."

"And who was the one who recommended that Padmé have Obi-Wan's protection at the start of the Clone Wars? Fully well knowing I would be there as well."

"The Emperor! He killed her!"

"Possibly. I'm still not sure, but the evidence leads me to believe that."

"Then he must die."

"In time. I never thought I'd say this, but be patient. First, win over Luke and Leeda-"

"You want them to soften me so that you can take over again, don't you?"

"Well, that is a hope of mine. But they would most likely help you, or me, defeat the Emperor. So we need to wait, at the moment it would be suicidal to take on the Emperor. And I still need more proof, but now that you know my theory, you can help me."

"Fine. This will be the only time I help you. Only because he deserves to die."

"Whatever floats your boat. If we can get enough proof, then we can satisfy the governors and grand moffs that we killed him for good reason. Though, everybody being terrified of you will certainly help in that endeavor though."

"I am aware."


"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them." -Desmond Tutu

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