Chapter Eleven: Kyber Crystal

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I have a hard time falling asleep, whether because of excitement or nervousness at falling asleep, I'm not sure. After a couple of hours tossing and turning on my cot, I go outside to the tree. I climb up to the branch Callum and I always sit on, and wrap my blanket around my shoulders. Then, before I know it, I've fallen asleep.

I wake up to someone shaking me. I blink slowly, trying to wake up. I open my eyes and see Callum shaking me.


"Leeda, it's almost time to leave. Luke and I have been looking for you for nearly an hour now."

"Oh, sorry. I couldn't sleep last night, so I came out here. I meant to go back to the tent, but that didn't go as planned."


I take my blanket off my shoulders and sit up right. Once Callum climbs down I throw my blanket to him, then climb down myself. I try to take my blanket back, but Callum just holds it up. Despite being 5' 8", Callum is tall enough that when he holds his arm straight up, it's just out of my reach.

I glare at him, but he just smirks. After we get back to camp I go and redo my hair and get dressed into clean clothes. Then I head out to eat. After I eat the three of us deconstruct the tent, and load it up into Luke's X-wing since my tent is still in the storage compartment of my Y-wing. We load up what food we have, then put Callum's stuff in the Y-wing with my stuff.

Callum and I get into my ship, and take off. Once we're out of the atmosphere, I close my eyes and focus on the Force. I feel a pull of sorts from the Force, and turn the Y-wing in that direction. Since I don't really know where I'm going, I don't go into hyperspace.

I look over and see Luke going in a different direction. So I guess it's just me and Callum until we either rendezvous with Luke, or get back to Dagobah. It's a good thing that we only put half of any supplies in each ship.

Artoo beeps for the first time of this flight, and it's a little funny.

"Not really, Artoo. I'm just flying where I think is right. Not much you can do."

"He asked if you knew where you were going?"

"Yeah. Artoo likes to banter with Luke and I. He does it with me more often because I claimed him as my flight partner."

Callum huffs in amusement, "I bet Luke wasn't happy about that."


"So where do you feel a pull?"

"I don't think it's that far. I feel like I'm being pulled pretty strongly, but I'm pretty sure my crystal is in the Outer Rim."

"Okay. Let's just hope that we make it back to Dagobah alive. I would prefer to be able to say that for the first time I've left Dagobah for the first time in years, I made it back."

I laugh, "Well, I make no promises. Trouble tends to find me, and Biggs says I'm a bit of a, uh, reckless pilot."

"A bit? I've only ever heard your stories about your piloting exploits, and I've never met him, but I will agree with him. You are a reckless pilot."

"Yeah, yeah. Now off of that topic. Tell me more about how the Jedi used to be."

Callum laughs, "Alright. What do you want to know?"

"Uh... I don't know. Just anything."

"Well, I could tell you about the Archives?"

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