Wrongfully accused

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"don't be so hard on him Ratch." Wheeljack murmurs. "he's just worried about his friends." Wheeljack frowns.

"I know he is Jack. I know." Ratchet mutters. Wheeljack sighs and steps back.

"alright Prime, you're all good, ready to take the sparkling and head back to your office." Wheeljack murmurs.

"Reflect can you please stay with them and let me get some work done?" Optimus asks.

"no!!! Reflect go with Opmis!" Reflect screams.

"well how about you come with me for a bit?" Ironhide offers. "we'll finish the movie from last night and I'll take you out for the race I promised you." he adds, smirking at the sparkling.

"are you Opmis?" Reflect ask.

"no, I'm Ironhide." Ironhide huffs.

"no you Ironhide!" Reflect shouts. "REFLECT STAY WITH OPMIS!" Reflect screams. Ratchet pulls back and frowns.

"Reflect please-" Optimus starts.

"nooo!!!! Reflect stay with Optimus!" Reflect cries.

"Prime you're making him cry." Ironhide frowns, watching the sparkling sob. Ratchet frowns, cuddling the sparkling gently.

"okay fine. sorry Prime but I don't want to hear him scream and I don't like to hear him cry. he wants you." Ratchet says, carrying the sparkling over to him.

"I have paperwork I can't just... don't look at me like that Reflect." Optimus frowns. the sparkling is giving him the same old 'cutesy innocent' look Bumblebee gives him sometimes, sniffling and looking utterly pitiful. "oh come on Reflect. don't give me that look." Optimus sighs.

"come on Prime. just a few days." Ratchet snorts. "he won't cling to you forever. he'll be clinging to Ironhide again in a few days." Ratchet assures. Optimus frowns at the sparkling, whose whines at him, pouting.

"okay fine. I will take you with me." Optimus sighs. "you need to stop hanging out with Bumblebee." Optimus murmurs, getting up off the berth. he takes the sparkling gently, letting Reflect cling to him. Reflect immediately shoves his fingers into his mouth, clinging to the Prime with a whine, burying his face into the Primes neck once more.

"okay alright. see you got what you wanted." Wheeljack murmurs, rubbing Reflects back gently. the sparkling sniffles and whimpers, clinging to Optimus. "he's really scared here. I haven't seen him like this since those humans attacked him." Wheeljack adds.

"its alright. he just had a pretty bad nightmare. he'll be like this for a few days. he's always like this with Ironhide." Ratchet assures gently.

"I know but I wish he would pick another bot. the Director of National Intelligence was not very happy he was in a meeting with today. Epps almost hurt her." Optimus frowns.

"I can't name a single being on this base, human or Autobot that wouldn't hurt someone being rude to Reflect, well, 'cept you Prime. you and your 'no harming humans' crap." Ironhide mutters, rolling his optics.

"we don't harm humans Ironhide, you know that." Optimus frowns.

"humans had no problem hurting him!" Ironhide snaps. Reflect whimpers.

"he's not wrong Optimus." Wheeljack frowns a little.

"he still has nightmares about it." Ratchet frowns. Optimus gets up carefully from the berth, Reflect squirms a little, looking ready to continue his nap.

"I know he is scared and that was an awful event, but that does not excuse behavior of hurting them back two wrongs do not make a right Ironhide." Optimus warns. he sighs and carries the sparkling out of the medbay and towards his office.

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