I won't let you take him

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things are tense on the base between Ratchet and his little family and Ironhide. the weapons specialist is snippy again. he's angry storming around and absolutely refuses to even look at the sparkling. Wheeljack and Ratchet don't make him, but aren't keeping the sparkling confined to the medbay, not that they could if they wanted to. the sparkling was too fast to catch a lot of the time and had continued to use the vents to his advantage.

the sparkling was currently hauling ass across the base at top speed, with Wheeljack chasing him down.

"get back here! you're trailing paint everywhere!" Wheeljack shouts. that wasn't Wills fault, of course, Wheeljack shouldn't have left the paint bucket in such a way the him bumping into the berth spilt it all over the sparkling, but that didn't mean he was going to make it easy to catch him.

"Jack! what the hell? why is he green?" Ratchet frowns, looking at the paint trail.

"I dropped a bucket of paint on him!" Wheeljack snaps. "and I can't catch him! grab him!" Wheeljack shouts.

"you're never gonna catch him that way." Ratchet frowns.

"someone help I can't see everything is green!"

chirp chirp click chirp!

"Prime! grab the sparkling!" Ratchet calls. Optimus looks down and immediately grabs the sparkling quickly. the sparkling immediately screams, flailing and flinging paint everywhere.

"easy sparkling. its okay." Optimus assures gently.

"come here little one." Ratchet murmurs, taking him carefully and wiping the paint off his face gently so he could see. he blinks at Ratchet, looking relieved. "easy now sparkling. its alright. I've got you." Ratchet assures, before shooting a dirty look at Wheeljack. the little bot relaxes and cuddles into Ratchet, shooting a nasty look at Wheeljack. "you spilt paint on the sparkling, you clean him." Ratchet frowns, pushing Will into Wheeljacks arms. Will grunts and huffs.

"I will, I just had to catch him." Wheeljack says, heading for the washracks with a pout. Ratchet watches them go and sighs looking at the mess.

"I'm doubting taking on the sparkling." Ratchet mutters. Optimus raises an optic ridge.

"if you regret it so much, pass his guardianship off to another bot Ratchet. for a few days, as a... trial run. if everyone does well, then leave him in the guardianship of the other bot." Optimus suggests.

"its not like that, I don;t want to give him up and I refuse to do so. I just mean, keeping up with both him and Wheeljack is exhausting... I don't know if we're giving him the life he actually deserves." Ratchet murmurs.

"like I said, if you cannot handle the responsibility Ratchet, you need to find the sparkling a new guardian. this can't be a permanent thing if my chief medical officer is too tired to do his job. bots could suffer and you know that." Optimus frowns a little. Ratchet sighs a little.

"yeah, but me and Wheeljack are the best options." Ratchet frowns.

"I'm sure you can think of someone." Optimus assures gently, walking off. Ratchet watches him go before sighing and looking back down at the mess.

"might as well start cleaning." Ratchet murmurs.

by the time Ratchets finished, Wheeljacks gotten the sparkling clean and giving him a cube.

"oh... you finished? I was going to come help." Wheeljack frowns.

"Optimus thinks we should give up guardianship of the sparkling." Ratchet says. Wheeljack looks confused.

"wh... Ratch, are you serious?" Wheeljack ask. Ratchet nods looking at the sparkling. Wills staring at him, looking a little confused around his cube.

"I'll explain later." Ratchet says, walking off. Wheeljack look hurt, watching him go, before turning around quickly.

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