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Excitedly, I jump out of the car with a bag on my back and another in my hand. I ran towards the old farmhouse, the place my mom grew up in. My mom refused to ever bring us here when we were little, her parents always came to us. My grandmother always showed me pictures of the place, and it was beautiful. I knew the history had to be dark, why else would mom refuse to let me go, but I always felt so drawn to it. It was so full of this love, I could just feel it's overwhelming presence. Now, here I was. I stopped at the top of the front steps, turning back in a rush. "Come on, come on! Dakota, mom, David, hurry up!" I couldn't sit still, I needed inside. It was this warm presence pulling me in, almost whispering in my ear. Mom just shook her head, pulling out Grandma's big iron key from her pocket. David followed behind her with Ellis in her car seat and my half sister's diaper bag over his shoulder. Dakota was gawking at the scenery around him as he slowly made his way towards the house. Mom quietly unlocked the door, almost hesitantly, before she pushed it open. The floors were the beautiful original hardwood, with the giant grand staircase to match. I'm the center of the grand entryway, right in front of the stair case, was a magnificent chandelier. I made my way closer to the stairs, entranced by the carvings on them. I moved closer, narrowing my eyes in confusion as I realized that there were deep scratches covering the artwork that had been instilled in the wood. I heard a disapproving grunt from behind me, pulling me away from the woodwork. I turned to see my brother looking like he wanted to be anywhere it here. Confusion creeps up on my face, "What crawled up your ass? You were just as excited as I was in the car." "Claire Broker, leave your brother alone! He's having to go through his senior year in an entirely new school system, this is hard for him!" My mom scolds, pulling Ellis out of her car seat. "Will you watch her while we unload the car?" David requested, handing me her diaper bag. I nodded, carefully taking the newborn from my mom. "I'll go find her nursery. The furniture was already set up by Uncle Jeff, right?" I ask as mom rushes out of the house. My mom's fiancé nodded, quietly apologizing for my mom's behavior before following after her.

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