Chapter Three

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Claire Broker

"Okay, I found some old news articles about the Clark family and their estate from 1906," I explained to Sophia, propping my phone up next to my laptop. I was sat at my desk, laptop perched in the middle with a notebook and pencil on one side and my phone on the other. "Well?" Sophia urged me foreword, and I took a breath before I began to read aloud what I'd found. "On February 17th, 1906 Eden Clark, age nineteen, was sentenced to execution by hanging for affiliation with a demon. Officials say that during her questioning Clark admitted to being infatuated with said demon, even going so far as to defend this demonic figure and say 'he is a fallen angel who was stripped of his grace', and even committing adultery 'to prove her commitment to him.' However, the officials were unable to obtain the name of the demon. Clark was laid to rest in her study, although where exactly in her study has been kept secret by her family. At this time the Clark family is refusing to make a statement on the situation. Mayor John Harris was the one to originally discover Clark with the demon. He has said he found Clark speaking to thin air on many occasions, and assumed she was singing to herself as she has often done in the past while doing her womanly duties. However, on this day as she was speaking to herself in the garden a man Clark has been friends with since she was a tot appeared out of thin air. Mayor Harris had her arrested immediately for her crimes. Eden Clark's private funeral was held three days after her execution. Hours later Mayor John Harris was found barely alive on the steps of Clark's study while the family of Eden Clark was down at the lake. Mayor Harris has confirmed his attacker to be Clark's demonic lover, and not her family. It is with a heavy heart that I confirm that Mayor Harris succumbed to his injuries as of last night, and we send out condolences to his family and friends. As for Clark's demonic partner he has not been located. However, it appears he vandalized Clark's study before disappearing. Her books were scattered about the room, a great sum being charred as well. A few windows were broken, and a pile of ash was also discovered in the pile of books. Please be on the look out for this evil creature. Several eye witnesses have described the demon to appear as a human with black hair and eyes as icy blue, almost white. He always appear to have a chain on one hand with a leather chain intertwined between the links. Seeing as he has the ability to change his appearance it is understandable if he cannot be found." I picked up the water bottle between my thighs, taking a sip as I looked over at Sophia on Facetime. "She was... hung for falling in love... with a supernatural creature?" Sophia's words slowly fell out, taking her time with each one to make an attempt at understanding the article. "Is it even illegal for something like that to happen?" She asked me, and I realized she was right. I opened a new tab on my computer, typing into the search bar 'religious laws in Elaina Alabama.' Articles popped up, and mainly ones talking about how witchcraft was never illegal in the United States. It took a few scrolls, but I found an article, 'Religious Laws Abolished in Elaina: For Better or Worse?' I clicked on it, letting Sophia know that I had found the article. I quickly scan through the article, trying to find what I was looking for. "When Elaina was originally founded back in 1843 Mayor James Brown, along with the newly elected City Councilmen, put into place religious safety restrictions. These laws restricted practices that could inflict harm to a person or their property, be it their own or someone else's. This law is what had Eden Clark executed at age nineteen, along with several other victims; such as Sarah Anderson, Mary and Margaret Jones, Elizabeth Taylor, and Catherine Brown. However, there were a few instances that the majority of the public found the law to be in fair use. There was a major drop in starvation with the lack of animal sacrifices, improving the health and increasing the population of the community. Due to this, city officials are adding this to the livestock and animal laws while eradicating the religious restrictions all together. As of July 19th, 1913 all religious restriction laws have been deemed unconstitutional and will be completely abolished here in Elaina, Alabama," I read aloud to Sophia, watching as her jaw dropped. I wrote down a few more notes as I waited for Sophia to comment on what we'd just learned. "You know, if Eden is on your property then that means you're related to her. I think they used to keep books with birth, death, marriage, and divorce records for the entire family. Maybe there's some record in the library Grandma Ivy told you about?" Sophia suggested, and I jumped up. I hurried as quietly as I could down the hall towards the grand stair case. Down the steps I tiptoed, taking a right as my sock clad feet helped me glide down the hallway. I slid my feet across the floor to muffle my footsteps, stopping in front of the last door. It was in the center of the wall, bigger than any of the other doors in the hall. It was a little heavy, but not terribly so. The knob glided with ease, which I was thankful for. As I pushed the door open I started coughing, not too shocked to find a thin layer of dust on everything. I flicked the light on, walking towards the center of the room. I sat my phone down on the table in front of me, taking a moment to take in this huge library. My eyes landed on a table in the back, kind of hidden by a few bookshelves. I took a step closer, peering around the shelves. For a moment it was almost like Ignis was there, but only for half a second. It was the same table Ignis and Eden sat at when they started their lessons and their relationship began. I walked closer, over towards the corner the couple were sat at. Delicately, I brushed my fingers over the wood. A blinding white light flashed, and I felt like I was being shoved backwards. I tried to catch myself, but I suddenly wasn't falling anymore. I was watching a scene unfold in front of me. Ignis was in the same chair from the first time I saw them in the library, honestly, this looked like the first memory. I looked to my right, as I realized someone was holding my arm and I nearly jumped out of my skin. Eden was stood next to me in a black mourning dress. I barely saw her raise a finger to her lips through the black vail covering her face. She pointed towards the scene in front of us, and when I looked back over Ignis was looking down at the table. His face was almost unnaturally perfect. "Eden, I'm not human. Well, not entirely. I come from a long line of nephilim. I am mostly angel at this point, but not entirely so. The thing is, I have a choice to make, and I don't have very long to make it," Ignis explained, and I nearly fell back as I heard him admit to all of this. "What's the decision?" Eden asks in a whisper, as if this wasn't news to her. I look over at the Eden gripping my arm and she just shrugged at me in response. It was then that I saw the rope burns around her neck. "I have to choose between you, or my grace," Ignis explains, he is a fallen angel who was stripped of his grace. I look over at Eden again, and she nodded as if she knew what I was thinking. I look back over towards this memory of hers, but as soon as I did Eden let go of my arm and I was back in the modern day library. I look around me, trying to find Eden or Ignis, but neither of them were around. I faintly heard Sophia, calling my name, so I rushed back over. "Sorry, I was... honestly, I don't even know how to explain that," I sigh, picking up my phone. When I look back up Dakota is standing in the doorway, just staring at me. I froze in place for a moment, but then he just turns and leaves. As he's walking away I realize there was a translucent figure standing where he'd been. I quickly turn away, looking back down at Sophia. "Just find the book for now, you can explain all of that later," She instructs, and I nod before I head back towards the shelves. 

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