Chapter 1: The Fall of Emon

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It was a glorious sunny evening as Sovereign Uriel called forth every person of Emon. "Friends, in recent weeks, Tal'Dorei has been beset by evil, wearing the faces of monsters and men."

The Sovereign stood at the podium in front of the crowd of people as they looked at him, listening to the announcement. "I allowed strangers into our midst, entrusting them with powers they never should've had," he spoke and looks to a certain group amongst the crowd.

"Vox Machina saved us from this threat." his family walks up next to him. "My weakness put the realm in jeopardy. But I vow never to allow that again." he looks down at the families of his family that smiled up at him

he looks back at the people before him, "And, so, with humility, I hereby renounce the throne, and cede the government to the council of Tal'Dorei."

With these words said, the crowd ruptures into gasps and murmurs to one another.

"These wise patriots shall ensure..."

He tries to go on with his words, but was interrupted by the warning bells ringing, they all look to the horizon as something hidden in the sun was flying right toward them.

A great figure with wings flew into the clearing for the eye to see, Uriel widen his in horror. "Gods above us," he mutters as the great figure was a dragon and he was not alone.

Three others joined him, Vex grunted as she sank to her knees gripping her head in pain, "What's going on?" Vax asks as he kneels next to his sister. "It... it can't be," she mutters.

Kyria's eyes were locked on the horizon as she was frozen with fear. "No... it's not possible," she mutters, Vax shot his eyes up at Kyria as she was taking shaken steps back.

Four ancient dragons flew towards the city of Emon, the red one was in the lead as the glowing flame eyes narrowed.

Each dragon splits off as it flew over a section of the city, their roars drew the attention of the people below.

As the dragons flew right over them, gusts of winds flew right through the ran through streets and allies unsettling the dust that laid still for centuries.

The warning bells were ringing off the towers, alerting anyone who could hear them, "Alarm bells. Suddenly I fell overdressed." Gilmore spoke as Vax helps Vex to her feet. "Um, is this part of the show?" Grog asks as Pike stood on his shoulder "I don't think so buddy." Pike answers as she summons her armor.

Jason took a step back, "Are those fucking dragons!?" he questions, then look back at Kyria as she was shaking with fear, "Whoa, whoa, hey. Kyria." he starts, taking her shoulders.

Guards ran out into the yard "The call to arms! Everyone move!" Jarett calls out to the people as they ran to the podium, "Are those dragons?" a nobleman calls out, making a run for it.

It wasn't long after as everyone in the square was running for their lives, scattered like ants. The white dragon flew into view.

"The children, quick!" a man calls out as a black dragon joins in, both were hovering over the square. It flew in front of the watch towers, it fired a concentrated beam of ice, right at the guards on the tower.

Killing all the guards and breaking the tower in the process. Scanlan looks up in horror at the tower as cracks were running down the base. "Shit, the tower's gonna..." he starts.

But Grog grabs hold of him, "Time to go!" he tells him as the others make a run for it, "Kyria, we have to go!" Jason shouts as he tugs on her arm. But she was glued in her spot.

"He can't be free! He was trapped," she mutters to herself. Jason just looks at her, "Damn it!" he growls then host her over his shoulder and makes a run for it.

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