Chapter 14: A Different Path

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Taking a moment for a break, Scanlan feeds Grog, pressing the water pouch at his lips so he can drink. As he gurgles loudly. "E-Easy, easy, whoa. Whoa. Hey, I got you, pal." Scanlan assures him.

Pike and Jason just sat on the hill, watching them. Grog gulps for a moment then sputters it out, "Ah! I can't even drink. Ah." he cries and slumps forward.

"Ah, this is worse than death!" he cries and leans back against the tree, lost in despair. Scanlan ponders for a moment. "You're not peak Grog. But, uh, there's plenty of stuff you're still useful for," he assures him.

Grog sniffles and turns his head to him, "Yeah? Like what?" he asks, looking at Scanlan with his big sad eyes. "Well, like a... a doorstop? Paperweight? Hey, you'd make a neat rug, huh?" he answers.

This only shocks Grog, "What? Rug?" he shouts then broke into sobs as he fell forward, Scanlan just looks at him and smiles, "Buddy. I'm kidding. I'm kidding." he spoke, placing the water pouch down and helps him up.

"Tilt back. Come on, I got ya," he spoke, pressing Grog against the tree. Then places the water pouch lip right in his mouth. "Don't want to stain your tiny, tiny, chest. Yeah?" he jokes as Grog was gulping down the wine.

Pike couldn't help but chuckle at them, Scanlan then notices Pike was staring at him, "Huh? What, did I say something wrong again?" he asks her. "It's sweet," he answers.

But Scanlan scoffs, "Nah. You're-you're making fun of me." he spoke as he looks away from him. "No. No. I-I just... I never thought I'd see Scanlan the caregiver." she answers, scratching at her cheek.

She looks back at him, "It's... not a bad thing." she answers as Scanlan just stares at her in surprise, letting go of the water pouch. He couldn't help but feel bashful.

"Oh. Uh... Well, I mean, If you're into this, I can put on my naughty nurse's outfit." he states, standing to his feet and smooths back his hair.

Acting sexy as he points finger guns at her, she blinks for a moment, then turns away and sighs, standing to her feet and walking away. "Oh. Wait, no... Pike, I..." Scanlan spoke up as he realizes his mistake.

Then he presses his hands to his face, exhaling "God. Stupid." he mutters, squatting as he clutches at his hair.

Grog spits the water pouch from his mouth and took a moment to breath, but he was greeted by unexpected guests, "Uh, Scanlan? Ow!" he cries out, squirming in his spot.

The gnome looks back at their immobile giant, "Huh?" he spoke and saw Grog was being attacked by ravens. "A little help?" Grog begs him and Scanlan immediately ran to him. 

"Oh, God! Uh, uh... shoo! Shoo! Get! Get away!" he cries waving his hands at the raven, trying to scare them off. Pike just looks back and smiles, flush at her cheeks as she brushes back a lock of her white hair.

But then she looks over at Jason, seeing he was deep in his thoughts, and the scowl on his face suggest they were not good thoughts.

Standing to her feet, she walks over to the paladin, "Jason?" she asks. He didn't answer. Too far in his thoughts to hear her. So she stood in front of him and leans in close.

"Hello, earth to Jason. Where did you go and can you come back?" she asks him, waving her hand in front of his face "Huh?" Jason blinks for a moment and looks up at her "Oh, hi Pike." he mutters.

She smiles pulling her hand back, "You all right, Jason? You've been quiet for some time." she points out, he curls a small smile. "I'm all right. Just thinking," he answers.

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