Chapter 12: Umbrasyl The Ancient Dragon

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Groaning awake, the others fluttered their eyes open, finding themselves back in the cave of the Sphinx's lair.

Everyone sat up, collecting themselves, "We're alive? Who d we have to thank for that?" Vax asks as he looks among the others.

Jason groans as he pulls his hand up his head and sat up. "Oh... my head," he mutters but immediately remembers the challenge. "Kyria!" he shouts, looking around at the others.

She groans shaking her head, "That hurts." she mutters, without hesitation, Jason scrambles over to her and takes hold of her shoulders "Kyria, are you all right?" he asks her.

She blinks a look at him, "Are you hurt anywhere?" he questions, looking her over. "Jason..." she starts.

"Are you all right?" he asks again, the frantic look of fear in his eyes, she nods at him "Yeah, I'm okay," she states. Hearing her words, Jason exhales and then hung his head. "Good. That's good," he mutters.

Kyria blinks as he lets her shoulders ago and lets himself relax, Kyria just blinks at him and then looks at the others, "So... who are we all alive right now and not falling for an eternity right now?" she asks them, they just shrug.

"What rhymes with Your eyes so lovely?" Kamaljiori asks, the others look down and saw he was laying on his altar with a bard sitting next to him.

"How about, Nice thighs Yo touch me. Eh?" Scanlan answers making Kamaljiori chuckle. The others were stumped at what they were seeing.

"What da fuck?" Grog spoke up. Scanlan then looks up and notices them. "Oh, you're back. Great," he spoke standing to his feet as the others walked towards them. "Uh, come over. It's totally cool, guys. Me and Kam are tight." he assures them.

"In my millennia of existence, this is the wisest sage I've ever known," Kamaljiori spoke as he looked down at Scanlan.

"Da fuck?"

Vox Machina questions as they just stare at the two. Kamaljiori just smiles as he looks at them. "I apologize for the formalities earlier. It is a pleasure to meet you, Vox Machina," he said with a bow of his head.

But looked at Kyria and Jason as they both exchanged a look, "And just in time. He's gonna tell us where all the other vestiges are." Scanlan informs them.

But as he looked up to smile at Kamaljiori, he saw he was staring at Jason and Kyria, "Kammi, is something wrong?" he asked him. Kamaljiori blinks as he realizes he is staring.

"Forgive me, it's just... in all my millennia. I never thought to imagine that a child of the Gods and a demon would be standing in the same room, much less not trying to kill one another," he spoke.

The others exchanged looks then looked back at the Paladin and the witch. "I'm sorry?" Jason questions, "You, my young paladin have the blood of the Gods coursing through your veins. I know this because I have seen power like yours before." he informs him.

Jason blinks for a moment, pondering the information he just heard, then Kyria looks at Kamaljiori, "Wait, you said you never imagined a child of the Gods and a demon in the same room, what did you mean?" she asks him.

"Gods and demons are eternal enemies that have been fighting a war since the beginning of time. But devils and demons have been fighting among themselves for centuries but some still continue the battle," he states then looks at Kyria.

"But for a Cambion to exist is rare. Much less nothing like your ancestors, little demon," he spoke, Kyria took a step back. "What do you mean?" she asks. Kamaljiori frowns at her, "Oh little one, you were born from the very pits of hellfire." he spoke.

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