Chapter 20: The Killbox

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Vex leans in first, firing her thunder arrow, Vax dashes in after her. Keyleth snarls as she leaps off the roof and Kyria laughs throwing out her fireballs. "Yippee Ki Yay motherfuckers!" she shouts.

Kevdak turns and catches the thunder arrow and breaks it, "Bleed 'em!" he shouts and the Herd comes charging him, he takes hold of a spike and thrusts it at them.

Rage, rage, rage

Vex dodges the incoming spikes, Vax lands on his feet, and dashes right at the incoming half-giants, dodging and slicing at them.

Release a hell upon you

Vax uses one of the spikes and aims at Kevdak, firing her arrow and nailing him right in the shoulder, only this time. He was tangled up in vines that held in in place.

A beast without a cage

Realize the demons are comin'

When we all rage

Kyria threw out her fireballs and took out a few of Herb, One appeared next to her and reeled her axe back. Kyria was about to shove her away, but Jason stood in the way and blocked the axe.

"Now, now your mother ever taught you how to treat a lady?" he questions, "My mother's dead!" the half-giant shouts at him, making him grin. "That explains it," he states and shoves her back.

He drops to a knee as Kyria runs forward, stepping off his shoulder, twisting in the air, and throws a fireball at her. She catches fire and Kyria lands on her feet.

Jason stood on his feet and exhaled, "Good talk." he stated and they both ran back to the fight.

Keyleth charges down the tower bites into a Half-giant's throat and twists to the ground. The half-giants clamor before her, but she snarls and charges, meeting them halfway.

A half-giant leaps at Vex, but she throws her right over her shoulder, taking her out with her arrow, Another slams into her, driving her to the ground.

But she takes out an arrow and pieces both sides of the half-giant's head.

Rage, rage, rage

(Chorus begins)

Kevdak tries to break free from the entangled vines, but they keep coming and holding him down. Then Kyria leaps on top of him, leaning over, and looks at him, "This is the mighty Thunderlord?" she questions and laughs.

"You look puny to me," she states, he snarls at her, but she hisses at him and snaps her claws at him, scratching at his face, and leaving marks. "You think you so strong, wielder of those gauntlets. Please, without them, you're nothing more than a weakling, pretending to be strong. But unlike you, Grog is the strongest among all of you, he befell a dragon and wasn't even wearing a special set of armor." she taunts.

He snarls at her again, but Kyria pulls away. "Ooh, so scary..." she mocks then jumps off his back, "Have fun!" she calls out and dodges the next half-giant, taking him out with her fire.

Laughing to herself. Vax dashes through the half-giants, blocking the swinging blades. "Vax!" Jason calls out, banging on his shield and falling to a knee.

Vax nods and dashes right at him, stepping onto the shield and Jason thrusts him right into the air, Vax twist and thrust one dagger. Landing on a half-giant, stabbing him right in the head.

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