Chapter 6: The Sunken Tomb

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Everyone stood in the dark of the tomb, "Ugh. Smells like fish and death." Keyleth spoke up, Pike concentrated as she summons light and lit up the hallway of the tomb.

The hall was old, but in a strange sense, beautiful. They looked around the room, and Vax looks over at the mural on the wall. "Purvan," he mutters, seeing the Champion of the Ravens.

Percy looks at the mural on seeing ravens attacking people. "Charming," he mutters as Vex steps forward, followed by the others. But the Take hunters hung back.

"Why would Osysa tell them about the tomb when we're the ones doing their work?" Zahra questions as Kashaw just shot a look over at her.

"Those vestiges belong with the Take, not some tourists." she whispers to Kashaw, who just grins at her, "Shouldn't be too hard to swipe them out from under them. But we're letting them get ahead," he assures.

Zarha smirks at him, "Are we? Or are we letting them bear the brunt of what's to come?" she questions as they followed Vox Machina. Kyria's ear twitches as she flicks to the corner of her eyes, looking over at them.

But she keeps her thoughts to herself and a closer eye on the two of the hunters, knowing they can't be trusted. "Keep your eyes sharp. There will be traps, and they will be deadly." Vax warns them as he took the lead. "The dealier the traps, the richer the reward," Vex said with a grin, making Pike grin. "Just keep close," Vax informs her. "This is a vestige of the gods, Vex. I highly doubt there's anything else of value in here." Jason informs her.

Grog stops and looks down at the floor plating at his feet, "Oh, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." Vex said waving her hand at him, Jason just frowns at the ranger, crossing his arms.

Grog stares intensely at the plating at his feet and it clicks in his head, "Oh. Don't wanna trip on this." he said and steps over it, stepping right onto a pressure plate trap.

Swinging axes came right in front of Vax, taking him by surprise as he came to a stop right in front of them.

They swing out of sync, stopping anyone from getting through, Vax looks back with a frown on his face at the others. The trap came to a stop as the others looked at Grog. "Found a trap," he calls out.

Zahra just exchanged amused looks with Kashaw as it was the same equal look in his eyes.

They step past the traps and make their way down a slope. Vex, Trinket, and Pike were already down at the bottom, waiting for the others. Jason slides down, meeting them there.

Keyleth lost her footing and almost slide down, but Kashaw catches her as she stops and looks up at him. "Hi. Lucky. I was here." he said with a grin.

She just smiles back innocently at him, "Yeah. I-I am." she chuckles nervously, but blinks as she corrects herself. "Was lucky, I mean," she mutters and sighs to herself.

Vax and Kyria look down at the exchange, Vax frowns as he looks away, but Kyria just narrows her eyes. "That little..." she mutters, taking a step, but losing her footing, "Whoa!" she shouts, falling to the ground and beginning to slide.

Her shout drew the attention of the others as they looked over at the witch sliding, "Whoa!" she shouts as it was fast, "Kyria!" Jason and Vax call out.

She makes it to the stop, trying to stand and stop right at the edge. But she went to fall forward, only for an arm to wrap around her waist and pulls her back.

She crashes into someone's chest and looks up, seeing Kashaw grinning down at her, "Hey, happy to see me or am I just that lucky?" he flirts, Kyria frowns at him and quickly pulls out of his hold.

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