Éclair's Pov
We arrived back at the castle to inform the Uriel of the blue dragon.
Once we get there we hear the gray skinned man ask if we were sent to are doom.
"Doom? We don't know the meaning of the word". said my dad
"Uh, I certainly don't". Said Grog
"Sovereign, hold on to your goddamn crown we've discovered that the monster is none other than". Said my dad standing dramatically
"A blue dragon"! Said my dad
[All]"We know". said everyone but us
"Did you kill it"? Asked Lady Allura
"I wouldn't say "kill," really". Said Keyleth
"We're still kind of working on that part". said Pike
[laughs]"I can't believe you made it out alive". Said Krieg
"how did you survive"? Asked Krieg
"Mm, trade secrets, I'm afraid, Kriegy". Said Scanlan
"We hid and it flew away". Said Me and Percy
[Laughs]"Wait". Said Grog
"How did we survive that"? Asked Grog
"These blabbering fools are useless, sire". said Fince
"Perhaps if we made an offering to the dragon gold in exchange for peace". said Fince
"Why don't we shake its hand and offer it a fucking pint while we're at it"? Said Vax
"A dragon cannot be bartered with if it desires Emon's destruction, it will not relent". Said Vex
"You heard her, sire. You know what must be done". Said Krieg
"But what if it attacks the city? We'd be sitting ducks". Said Lady Kima
"What would you have me do? Let it burn farmland, slaughter more innocent"? Asked Sovereign Uriel
"No. We will bring the fight to it on our terms". Said Sovereign Uriel
"General, you may move our soldiers at dawn". Said Sovereign Uriel
"But sire you know" Lady Kima started to say until Sovereign Uriel interrupted her
"I have made my decision, Lady Kima". Said Sovereign Uriel
Lady Kima nods towards and bows to him letting him know that she understands.
"This council is adjourned". Said Sovereign Uriel
The Guard's start pushing us out.
We then start leaving the castle.
Once we were out Vex tells us that she had the feeling that she had when we encountered the dragon.
My dad then starts accusing Lady Allura because he doesn't trust anyone that's prettier him.
"No you shit for brains Fince the leathered skin looking man you dumbass gnome". Said Vex
"So, what do we do next"? Asked Keyleth
"Vax and Pike, Éclair go to Gilmore's buy us a weapon that can kill a dragon". Said Vex
"Uh, with what? We're flat fucking broke". Said Vax
"Lucky Gilmore doted on you, I'm sure you can work something out". Said Vex
"The rest of us will spilt up and search for Fince". Said Vex
I then follow Pike and Vax to Gilmore's Glorious Goods.