Éclair's Pov
We stare in shock at the people dress like us.
"Brairwoods know we came". Said Percy
"W...We should cut them down". Said Keyleth
Percy then says no because the sun tree is being watched.
We then follow Percy as he started walking away.
As we were walk we see kids playing in the street until someone call for them to hide.
We all of the sudden hear giant footsteps.
The person that called the kids called us over to hide.
We then quickly go into the alleyway as we were hiding we see a giant zombie walking by.
After it was gone we began moving around.
As I stood up and turn around and accidentally bump into someone causing us to fall to the ground.
"Are you alright"? Asked the voice
"Yeah I'm alr....". I started to say until see a handsome boy half-orc
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"I um yeah I'm okay are you okay I'm the one that landed on you". I said bashful
"Yeah I'm okay". He said
He then helps me up off the ground.
"I'm Éclair". I said twirling my hair
"Nice to meet you Éclair I'm Fawkes". He said grabbing my hand and kissing it
We then hear someone clear there throat.
We see my dad looking at us.
We then followed the woman that help us takes us to a woman name keeper Yennen.
We then find her and Percy begins talking to her.
She then guides us somewhere where we can talk in secret.
We arrived in a underground tavern.
Yennen begans talking about how the briarwoods have been draining them of there supplies.
She then basically says that rebel army isn't strong enough and there leader has been captured.
They then started coming with a plan.
As they were getting ready to go do the plan I was stopped by my dad.
"Éclair I need you to a favor for me". He said
"What is it"? I asked
"I want you to stay here while we go to save Percy friend". He said
"Okay I understand". I said
I then hug him and they leave.
Yennen then takes me to go help cheer the kids they've taken in.
Once we get there I see Fawkes sitting in the middle of the room.
"Kids I'll like you all to meet Éclair". Said Yennen
All the kids and Fawkes turn towards me.
Yennen then leaves.
I then see two kids staring at me.
"Can you show us a magic trick"? Asked one of the kids
I then start doing some spells and kids stared in amazement.
Timeskip acouple hours later
All the kids fell asleep.
And me and Fawkes have been talking for acouple hours now.
"You know your pretty good with kids". Said Fawkes
"You too". I said
"So Éclair do you have you know a boyfriend"? Asked Fawkes
"No I don't have a boyfriend". I said
"How does a beautiful girl like you not have a boyfriend"? He asked
"I don't know maybe it's because of my overprotective dad or not many Boy's find me pretty". I said
"Well they must be blind because your beautiful". He said
We then stared into each other's eye's.
All of the sudden we started leaning closer to each other until are lips touch.
He then deepens the kiss.
The kiss started to get heated until.
"What the fuck". Yelled my dad
"D..Dad". I said
"Leave you for acouples and your in a room smooching on a half-orc boy". My dad said
"Sir I want you to know I love your daughter". Said Fawkes
"Sure you do". Said my dad
"Dad". I said
"Come on Éclair". My dad said grabbing my hand and dragging me with him
I waved bye too Fawkes.
Fawkes's Pov
I damn it I can believe I did that a girl that I am in love with dad hates my gut's.
But I loved the kiss me and Éclair shared I hope we can do again.