Éclair's Pov
Me, Vax, Vex and Keyleth were all running to Gilmore's shop avoiding the guards.
Once we get Keyleth that was a squirrel went quickly into the storage basement and removed the bars and let us in.
Once we were in guards ran by.
We then go upstairs to look around for stuff to bring with us when all of the sudden we were trap in a magic purple forcefield.
We then hear someone clear there throat.
"Ooh, crime doesn't pay, but it is entertaining". Said Gilmore
We stared in shock as he walked down the stairs.
Once he was down the stairs he snaps his fingers releasing use and allowing us to fall to the floor.
"Uh, we weren't breaking in or anything, Just you, know sort of on the run". Said Keyleth
"Just a quick stop at your store on are way out of town". Said Vax
"While it was closed, I assume you were going to leave a IOU". Said Gilmore
"I was going to leave what gold I have". I said
"Don't worry about it dare your okay". Said Gilmore
We then started looking around for stuff we would need.
The other's finished gathering supplies that we will need for the trip.
We then leave and go meet up with the other's.
When we find the other's we see that they have cart and my dad hints that it is stolen.
We then leave the kingdom and head to Whitestone.
As we were riding I noticed the book my dad was reading
"Do you even know what that says"? I asked
"Nope". He said
"Yeah give me the book". I said
My dad then brings me the book Vax stole from Delilah.
"Ziggurat". I said
"What's that"? Asked my dad
"There temples that allowed people to contact the God's". Said Keyleth
"Can you read anymore"? Asked my dad
"It says something about the Whispered one". I said
I then close the book and hand it back and get and walk over to Grog.
"You doing okay"? I asked him
"I miss Pike". He said
"I know we all do but she'll be alright she's stronger then all of put together". I said
"Yeah your right". He said
We are now in a foggy forest.
As we were riding through I was reading my spellbook when all of the sudden I hear something in the woods.
Percy brings the cart to a complete stop.
Vax, Grog, and Keyleth get off the cart while me and my dad stay on the cart.
All of the sudden we hear something whine.
"Aw you poor little puppers are you hurt". Said Keyleth
After she said that a wolf like demon creature with blood on it's face walked out with acouple other's.
"What the fuck are those"? Asked Grog
"A gift from Lady brairwood". Said Percy
All of the sudden my dad got wrapped up by something and get pulled after the cart by two more of those wolf like demon's and they start running away with dad.
"Dad". I yelled
We then go after the creature that has my dad.
As we doing so acouple of the other creatures jumps on the cart and attacks Grog and Vax.
"Grog". I yelled
I then cast fire bolt and start burning it up until it die and fell off of Grog as Keyleth scared the other one by roaring at it as a sabortooth tiger
Grog then kills it and we continue focusing on getting Scanlan back.
We then see a cliff and Vex tells my dad to leave the damn book.
She then shoots a arrow with a rope on it for my dad to grab.
He then grabs it and we had to jump off the cart.
After the cart went over the cliff we noticed the rope was cut.
"No". I gasped
We then start mourning until we see my dad floating on his magic hand.
I then see all are equipment off the cliff.
Once we find a place to take camp.
Keyleth then makes a fire.
I sit down and relax until.
"You did great out there against that beast Éclair". Said Grog
"Thanks Grog". I said
I listened as the other's tell stories about there weirdest kills.
"So Éclair what's your weirdest kill"? Asked Grog
"Okay so I once I had to go fight a
Bugbear and accidentally tripped and pushing him into poud of piranhas". I said"Damn". Said Vex
I then lay down to get some rest.
We are now walking through the forest almost to Whitestone.
Percy then tells us about the sun tree and about how the dawn father planted it.
After that we continued forward we then see Whitestone but it looks worst then how Percy was talking about it.
We then go into the town and begin looking around until we see look a like of all of us.
"It's....us". Said Keyleth