Chapter- 38

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हमारी नजर उनपर थी और उनकी नजर चांद पर,
उनके चेहरे पर जो नूर था हमारे इश्क का
कसूर था ।
बनाई हमने तसवीर उसमे चेहरा पाया उनका था,
माना थोड़ा रास्ता भटका था पर वो रास्ता उनके होंटो का था।।

When Yug reached at the given address, it was an empty road and trees were on either side where mostly no one usually come.

The road was empty and dark so he opened his phone to turn on the flashlight at that time he noticed that it was going to be midnight in a few seconds which made him worried for Mira who was nowhere found.

He was about to call her before turning the flashlight on when a light directly fell on him which made him close his eyes.

When He opened his eyes slowly he found a car in front of him and the light which directly fell on him was non-other then the headlight of the car, He tried to look in the car from his place only and found Mira sitting on the driver's seat.

"Mira" He whispered and made his way towards her and she came out of the car.

"What is the car doing here? And how do you know this place?" Yug asked in confusion.

"What are best friends for?" She replied and stood in front of him, She looked into his eyes and smiled before sliding her hands around his neck which made him a little bit shudder as he was not expecting this.

She closes the distance between them, It made Yug's heart rate increase.

"Mi-Mira, Wh-What are Yo-You doing?" He asked stuttering because she was looking at him intensely.

He fisted his hands and gulped.

"It's been so long since we met alone!" She whispered running her fingers in his hair which made a shiver run down his spine.

"So-someone c-can see u-u-s" he looked looking here and there.

"No one comes here, that's why we are here!" She gave him a flying kiss which made a crimson red colour form on his cheeks.

"Come!" She said and held his hand and started dragging him.

"Where?" He asked him in confusion but she didn't reply.

She stopped at the back side of the car and looked at him excitedly.

"Open it!" She told him pointing at the trunk of the car.


"Open it, baby, You will know!!" She told him but the baby word caught his attention which made him shy.

He did as she said when he opened it, his eyes widen in Surprise.

He turned to Mira in shock.

Happy Birthday, Love!

She smiled but he was still surprised.

She smiled but he was still surprised

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