Don't Go Baking My Heart - (Underswap!Sans X Reader)

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I'll bake my feelings into goods

Just for you to eat them so I feel understood

What do you call sharing sweet treats together

A warm kinda love that stays forever

You sit and stare at your phone, the blue light illuminating your face. The clock reads 1:55am. You loved nights, they were so comforting, peaceful, quiet. You could get so much done. Except tonight you were bored. You sigh to yourself, thinking of the options you had to feed your boredom.

You could go to bed and sleep, any normal person would. Get a nice cup of tea, read a good book or put on a movie. Play some white noise as you sarcoma into slumber. But you were too bored for that, you needed something to do. Then the idea of baking struck you, but as much as you'd love to do that by yourself you always found baking more enjoyable when you did it with someone. 

Which led you to stare at your phone debating whether or not to call your best friend. He'd be most likely sleeping and you'd feel guilty if you woke him up, knowing how much he valued his sleep. But then again he always said that he was up for anything.... Fuck it.

The phone rang for a few seconds before your favorite skeleton answered, sounding groggy and a little annoyed. "You have three seconds to capture my attention or I'm going back to bed.... Unless you're dying.... You're not dying right? or is it a dead body? Stars i always knew this day would come, ok we're going to need-"

He was unfortunately cut off by your laughter, sounding much like a tea kettle as you wiped the tears from your eyes. "Hahahaha I called you and the first thing that comes to your mind is that I'm dying or that there's a body involved? Geez and i thought your brother had a grim sense of humor" 

You giggled as you heard him sigh, sensing his disappointment through the screen. You didn't need to see, knowing he was rolling his eyes at your attempt at humor. "Hardy hahaha, real funny. Wow you're such a comedian you should have your own show. So did you need help with something or??"

"Oh yeah I was wondering if you'd want to bake with me at my place?" You asked your voice trailing off at the end, now considering if this was a smart move.

There was a pause on the other end of the line before you hear another long sigh. "Do you know what time it is?" Sans asked, sounding more awake now.

"Yeah I'm aware.... But I need something to do and before you say anything I have considered all of the above and more. This could be fun plus I know you have a sweet tooth" Listening to the grumbling of a sleepy skeleton made you use your final straw. 

"Come on, don't make me bake by myself Starboy."

There was a pause before you heard a fit of giggling from him which soon matched your own. "Oh man, you're really pulling the ol' nickname card. Alright you got me, you make it really hard to say no to you."

You grinned, silently accepting your victory. "You know you love me, besides this is payback for all the times I had to deal with your last minute antics."

A totally exaggerated gasp comes from Sans. "Unbelievable, that's so not true. You know it's quite hurtful that you'd say- Pft nah I'm just playing with you. You make a fair point but i feel like we have this pact were you deal with my antics and i have to deal with yours"

"Ha, cheers to that, but on another note hurry your bony ass up and get over here!" You yell into the phone, laughing as you hear the broken reply of Sans. Something along the lines of don't yell, it's too early for that shit. Bla bla, think of the neighbors.

AU Sanses x Reader Oneshots/short storiesWhere stories live. Discover now