Take Me Back To The Night We Met - (Nightmare!Sans X Fem Reader)

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TW WARNING!!: This will contain swearing, violence, mentions of and such.

(Also this is kinda a prequel to my first Nm x Reader chapter, as the title says 'How we first met'. I decided to write this because i've noticed that my Nightmare chapter is my most popular chapter and well I thought to give you a little more of him. And yes I have other chapters in the making, some i've starting, some i've only got the name for, and some are nearly done. Heh, the gods of writing haven't been so kind to me lately but i've been managing)

"Ah!" I cry out, clutching my hand to my shoulder. That's the second wall I bumped into, you'd think I'd get better at the whole running thing.

I pick up my pace as I hear shouting behind me, "You can run but you ain't getting away with this that easily, bitch!!"

I'm so screwed...

So here I am, running for my life, away from some jackass pricks from school because I may have "accidentally"  punch one of  their girlfriends' (Aka the bratty ass popular girl) nose and broke it ... but hey I had a very good reason to!! It's because I caught her cheating and well....

she threatened me, telling me how she was gonna spread all sort of nasty rumours about me to the whole school and blah, blah, blah you get the point. She also slapped me across the face, which I swear is gonna leave a bruise. And then I defended myself like any bullied senior student would do. And of course the snake had to cry to her boyfriend who just  happened to be the popular "bad boy" of the school. Bastard didn't even give me a head start after school. Soon as I left  the gates of hell, him and his gang were already onto me, which they are now currently chasing my ass through the city streets. Fucking peachy....

I bolt through the streets, mazing through shady alley ways, jaywalking across roads, trying to outrun these bastards so I don't get my ass beat. At this point I'msurprised I was even still going, my lungs were burning , my feet felt like I running on glass, and my legs felt like they were about to collapse.

I turned my head quickly to see if they were still on my tail and they were still at it, screaming my names along with petty insults. Choking on my own breath and saliva I try to look for another ally way to turn at, instantly regretting my choice as I turned. Finding myself at a dead end. I look around frantically, hoping there was a way to escape but it was too late.

The boys skidded to a stop as they saw my cornered, they could see that they had won. fighting wasn't even an option, having no experience in combat and them being twice my size.

I backed myself up against the alley wall, try to catch my breath so I could attempt to beg for mercy "Look man, I don't want any trouble-"

The boy laughed, slowing walking up to me with hid gang not far behind him "Heh, should'a thought bout that before you hit my girl" he interrupted.

"Man she cheated on your simping ass, I did you a favour!" I yelled, trying to stall. For what exactly?! I'm not sure, a goddamn miracle at this point. To have enough time to have this mental argument with myself?! "Look, why don't we all just go home and forget about this whole mess?"

"Alright, we can all go home and pretend this was  all a bad dream" he paused as he stopped a few feet in front of me.  "After the beat the living crap outta you..."

He curled his hand in to a fist, his arm pulling back aiming for the front of my nose. His hand smashed against the brink wall as I ducked  from his blow. I swear I heard a few knuckles break.

AU Sanses x Reader Oneshots/short storiesWhere stories live. Discover now