Nightmare x Female Reader

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"You can run but ya can't hide, (Y/N)" a voice echoed.

I pant as I sprint deeper into the forest, fog covering the ground and trees like a soft warm blanket before I run through it cause it to disperse. I didn't have a lot of time left, just a 10 more minutes left till I enjoy the rest of my day in peace.

"Ahh!" I trip over a tree root, quickly coving my mouth in hoping he didn't hear me. I breath heavily, my legs weak and throbbing in pain.

I wince as I try to get up, instantly falling back down.

"Heh, seems that's you've fallen for me dear (Y/N)..."

I hear leaves crunching, the sound coming nearer. I whip my heard around only to find one goop covered skeleton.

"Nightmare..." I stared at him, backing away from him.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... I've already won the game, why do you insist on running?" He let out a deep chuckle coming closer to me, his black goopy tentacles expanded and his cyan eye glowering a bit.

He hasn't won yet, I still have five minutes. Despite the pain I was in I jumped up, bolting away from the goopy octopus.

"Wrong move, Princess" He let out another deep chuckle, a grin plastered across his face before he teleported away.

After a few minutes the pain became unbearable. I skidded to a stop, panting hard as I lean against a tree. I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths. I hear a twig snap, I shot my eyes open only to be faced with one smug Nightmare.

He backed me firmly against the tree, one of his hands was on the tree the right side of my head with the other hand having a firm yet gently grip on my chin.

"Gotcha... now I win" He smirk, leaning in closer.

"Oh come on nightmare that's not fair" I whined, pouting a bit. "You can teleport ya lazy bastard, that's why you keep on winning"

"I gave you a five minute head start, besides speed isn't everything princess. Your training also requires agility, endurance, stamina and defence. We do this for a reason, until you're ready I'm not allowing you to come on mission with me and the gang" His eye soften up as he put his forehead on mine, moving the hand that was on my chin to my cheek, his thumb gently creasing my soft, slightly sweating skin. "If anything happened to you I....I would never forgive myself, you mean so much to me Princess"

I put my hand on his, the another pushed up against his bony chest. "I know why we do this Nightmare. I'm not saying your being harsh or anything, it's just I wish you'd trust me" I moved his skull down so that his forehead was pressed against mine.

"I do trust you, Princess. It's just that I don't trust them, they will take you away from me" Nightmare gritted his teeth, the thought of you being taken away made his nonexistent blood boil.

"I'm not going anywhere, the Star Sanses would have to deal with you before they could even touch me" I smiled, Nightmares expression soften as he let out a small soft chuckle.

"Damn right. Now come on, lunch is ready" I gently took her hand, starting to walk towards the castle.

I smiled as I followed him, curling my fingers around his bony hand. "Yes, finally. I thought I was gonna starve to- wait.... who made lunch?" I gave him a concerned look.

"Heh, don't worry Princess, it was Cross. Did you really think I was going to allow Horror to make lunch after last time?" Nightmare chuckled, giving me a reassuring smile.

I sigh in relief "thank goodness, for a minute there I thought I would have to starve" I giggled, remembering Horror serving up a butchered, hacked up Stag on a silver platter, it's body so mangled up that I couldn't eat or even look at meat for about a month.

They continued walking for a while, talking about the most random of things, gossiping about the other Sans and just enjoying each others company before reaching the elegant castle only to find it was engulfed in flames, the fire roaring as smoke filled the air.

I gasp in terror, seeing my home burning to the ground. "Our home...." tears fall from my eyes as I bury my head in Nightmare hoodie as he stroked my head, trying to comfort me.

"It's going to be ok.... e-everything... e-everything's going to be f-fine..." His voice trembled, fighting back the tears that threatened to fall"

As tears flowed from my eyes and thoughts overwhelmed my mind my heart nearly stops, remembering that the rest of the gang was still in the castle. "*sniff* wait... Where are the others!?" My pupils shrink as I look back into the mixture of fire and smoke.

I screamed out their names, jumping out of Nightmare's grip only to be pulled back as he prevented me from going into blazing building.

"Princess, you need to calm down! We don't know that they're still in there but I'm not letting you risk your life to find out!" He held my arms tightly, keeping a firm grip as he patiently waited for me to settle, occasionally whispering sweet thing in my ear.

Once again I bury my head into Nights hoodie as his grip loosened. "Everything's gone... everything" I mutter, my voice a whisper. I look up a bit squinting off into the distance, noticing something hidden behind the smoke, eight silhouettes. "Nightmare... look" I pointed at the figures as my hope was beginning to rise.

"No way... they made it!" He chimed, smiling as he loosened his grip around me.

As the figures got closer you saw a faint view of Dust, Error, Horror, Fell, Cross and Killer. They're were chained up. Fell and Horror had mussels on them, while Error was tied up with painted chains, his strings snapped and broken. All of them had their hands chain to their backs, their heads down. The chains were held by Ink and blue but only they looked different, twisted versions of the once kind hearted skeletons. They had been corrupted.

"What the!?..... D-dream?" He began to yell before his voice trembled with fear.

"Well hello there, dear brother. I believe these sad souls are your friends? Honestly you need to train them better, they didn't even put up a good fight" He chuckled, the smoke clearing up revealing him. Thick black goo covered his entire body, the light from the fire showed a golden tint to the goo. "Oh by the way, I'm not dream anymore... the name's Shattered, Shattered Dream!" He yelled, eight long tentacles extending from his back.

I held (Y/N) close to me, feeling her soul beat quickening it's pace. This was bad, extremely bad...

I didn't know what to do... tears threaten to fall from my eyes as Nightmare held me in his protective grip. This wasn't the happy, optimistic skeleton I knew.... he had us cornered, our friends are down and our house is up in flames. I mean, we could fight and end up killing ourselves or we could just accept our fate and be killed. " N-Nightmare, what are we going to do?"

He looked at me with fear lurking in his eye.

"I'm not sure, Princess....I'm not sure"

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So that's the first request done and dusted, may not be very good due to my still being noob at writing and stuff.
Any other requests just comment and I will write them until then Stay Determined.

AU Sanses x Reader Oneshots/short storiesWhere stories live. Discover now