Drunken Confessions (UF!Sans X Reader)

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I'm not good with words but I'll pour my heart out to you

Drink until my heart and mind are through

I look into your eyes and I see a reflection of mine

I think we'll be alright

"What do you mean?! Is he alright? Why didn't you stop him?! Yeah I know it's your job but still.... yeah yeah I'm on my way, don't let him leave and keep an eye on him till i get there, i mean it" You hang up the phone with a sigh which quickly turned into a groan. Quickly grabbing your jacket you make your way over to Grillby's.

You had received a call from Grillby requesting you to pick up Sans, finding out he was more liquor than skeleton and that he didn't want to deal with San's "drunk ass". Kicking the snow of your shoes as you enter the bar, scanning the area only to find Sans slumped over the counter giggling to himself. Well at least he was in a good mood this time.

After hearing the door close, his skull lifted a little to glance over at you. His drunk daze melting a little as he grinned happily at you, waving with enthusiasm and winking at you "eyyy! there'z ma babydoll! whut's happnin' hot stuff?~"

Oh yeah this was gonna be real fun.

"Saannnsss....." you let out in a sigh, giving him a sympathetic gaze before asking. "How much have you had to drink?"

"hmm... not nuff.. haha..." he grinned, giggling to himself. He had multiple shot glasses and a half empty bottle of fire whiskey next to him. He wasn't exactly a lightweight, the complete opposite actually. Yet whenever he did shots that logic seemed to fly out the window. "oh! I forgot to ask; how do ya like my outfit?" he spun around on the bar chair, striking a pose.

You couldn't help but smile as you shook your head. Followed by a laugh that you were trying so hard to hide. "I think I'd like it a lot better if you were sober, Sans"

"Well where's the fun in dat, eh~

"Oh my sweet drunk, bone boy..." You whispered, giving him a sweet look. You couldn't stay mad at him, not when he was like this. He could get a scolding after his hangover the next morning. "Have you eaten?" You asked as you put your arm around him. He usually forgot to feed himself, something you learned about sans when he got drunk. Which is funny because he loved to eat, anything and everything.

He takes your hand, giving it a light squeeze with his cold bony hand. "Nah, 'm actually pretty hungry." He says, glancing at you with his wide eye lights and his goofy grin. "Wanna get a slice of pie and watch tv with me, doll?"

You smile at him, squeezing his hand back in recognition. "Pie and Tv sounds fucking amazing right now" you answer as you helped sans out of his chair. "come on you ol' bag of bones let's get you home"' You paid Sans bill, leaving Grillby a generous tip. Joking that he needed it after tonight, which rewarded you a laugh from the flame monster. A rare treat.

The wind blew, and the snow was falling lightly. It was such a calm, tranquil night. The only sound was the wind rustling through the trees, the sounds of crunchy snow under shoes, and the occasional chatter between the two as they walked home.

You breathed in the cold night air, smiling as snowflakes decorated your face, scattering themselves throughout your hair. Looking down at Sans you could help but smile, once again giggling to himself as he recites the worst of puns. With the occasional dad joke or two. They were so bad that you couldn't help but laugh. "So Sans, what were we thinking of watching when we got home?" You ask as you unlock the front door to the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02 ⏰

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AU Sanses x Reader Oneshots/short storiesWhere stories live. Discover now