eleven: ﹙the illuison﹚

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the illusion

"contains; nothing-,"—no need to proceed with caution

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"contains; nothing-,"
—no need to proceed with caution

Walking into Josies' at night time, wearing the same black dress from earlier in the day' Y/n has spent half of the whole day trying to cover up a dead body for the first time; and the other half planning therapy

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Walking into Josies' at night time, wearing the same black dress from earlier in the day' Y/n has spent half of the whole day trying to cover up a dead body for the first time; and the other half planning therapy.

Not even noticing Matt, Karen and Foggy in the distance; and just blocking out the sounds of people talking. Along with the sounds of the television fully up in the bar, "Frank Castle,"

The words of his name blasted on the television caught her attention snapping her out of the haze of murder. Her eyes softened, he was right about her; she was like him just too proud of herself to deny it.

"the gunman wanted in connection with the Metro-General shooting and linked to dozens of recent gangland-related killings throughout Hell's Kitchen was apprehended just hours ago outside Saint Michael's Cemetery." The news broadcaster spoke, "An NYPD spokesman says, "Tonight, New York has Sergeant Brett Mahoney of the 15th Precinct to thank.

Staring at the picture of him plastered on the television screen, the feeling of her heart racing was felt. There was still a part of her that agreed with the things he was doing, men that hurt other people shouldn't be on the streets.

But that was the reason that she stood beside's Matt, so she didn't drive herself to insanity. Before Foggy's words exclaimed through the packed bar and over to Y/n. "Y/n! Over here!"

Turning her head to the three of them, with a fake smile plastered on her face walked towards her boyfriend first. "I'm guessing a couple of drinks in?" Y/n teased, grabbing onto Matt's shoulder softly. His hand instantly cling to her hip, holding onto her.

"It's a celebration, liberation" Foggy called out, causing Matt, Y/n and Karen to let out a small laugh; Y/n faking it truly just wanting to go home and hide away there. "The punisher is being taken down, finally"

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