CHAPTER 4 : Sweet Scent

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A/n: sorry for the grammar mistake. Hope u guys like it.


After a while, Harvey started to massage her right ankle so that her ankle will not be so swollen. “Female, why are you alone just now and where is your mate? Are you perhaps lost from your clan or your males? Do you need me to look for your males?” Harvey bombard Marion with a lot of questions that making Marion a bit annoyed at him. “ I am sorry female. I didn’t mean to hurt your feeling.” Harvey quickly said when he notice the cold glare from the female. In his life, he never have a female nor any female would like him because of his strength is not even strong enough to pursue any female.

Harvey know how females are rare and because of that, a lot of females being take care as if they were a fragile thing that will break if you do not hold it carefully. Seeing how smooth and fair the female in front of him, he confirm that her clan must take good care of her like a queen. “It’s okay Harvey, thank you for helping me and treat my ankle. I’m appreciate your help a lot if you can help me in the future. As for your questions early, I will try to answer you one by one, okay?” Harvey shocked at the words came from the female. There were no female ever showing gratitude or appreciated to other people before. This female in front of him is so kind.

“Well, to answer your questions. Yes, I am lost and I don’t know how did I came into this world, I mean this place. I twisted my ankle there in the forest when I met another female who happen also at lost. Then Parker show up and claim the other female as her female and bring me here and left me in the middle or the village and then you came to the rescue. Which is I am so glad you do. About the male, no I don’t have any male. And also Harvey, please call me Abelle.” Marion explain to him. Harvey seem to surprise at Abelle words, he thought that this female could have more then one males since she look so delicate and kind.

Looking at Harvey, he quickly nodded and offer Marion to stay at his den. He really want to ask Marion a lot of things but look at the female fatigue look, he did not continue his question. Harvey then walk to his kitchen and bring some fruits that he get earlier for payment as he treated others female. He give the fruits basket to Marion. “Fe… Abelle, you can eat this first while I go hunting foods for you. Do you need anything else before I go?” Harvey ask, Marion quickly ask for a quick bath since she arrived here. She haven’t wash nor go to toilet yet. She really need to relieve herself really quick.

While Harvey get the bath water ready for her, she go to the sandpit to relieve herself then she open her bag pack that she carried with her from the beginning. Luckily there have some travel kits that she always bring in her bag pack as for her job always required her to standby at anytime when the emergency happen. There are panties, a bra, a white singlet to use inside the jacket that she always wear, a short spandex, two granola bars, a few packets of 3 in 1 coffee, small med kits, medicine box that she always bring due to her migraine, she have a lot of pain killer in it. Her travel kits which is contain a small bottle of shampoo, two small bottles of conditioner, due to her long hairs, a tooth brush and tooth paste, a small bottle of body wash and also a hand sanitizer.

Beside that, she also got a few thing in her jacket that she wear early. There are a pocket knife that she always bring whenever she go because that was her birthday present from Meredith for her. Small hand lotion, two lips balm that she buy earlier in the morning before she got there. A packets of candies and her sunglasses.

After she done organize her stuffs, Harvey come and tell Marion the bath water is done. He look at Marion’s thing before he turn to look at Marion again. He wanted to ask Marion about that things she bring it with her but he hesitate, then he quickly got out of the house to hunt.

After 30 minutes, Harvey came back with two hares, a deer and two short birds. He noticed that the female still taking her bath, he can smell a sweet scent come from the next room where the female taking bath. He actually thinking want to take a peek but then he remember that it is not good to peek at a female while taking a bath. He quickly distract himself by preparing the meat for the female.

A few minutes later Marion walk to the kitchen and approach Harvey. Harvey turn around to look at Marion, but never in his life ever saw a Goddess. He thought that maybe Marion was a Goddess that come to this land to help them in any possible happen in future.


A/n : sorry for the short chapter as I was still thinking whether to continue this chapter of not. But then i really like this TBTB fanfic. So,yeah. Hope u guys enjoy its!

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