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A/n: sorry for the grammatical errors

Morning come, when Marion wake up she see that the day outside is still dark and she can feel Harvey purring while sleeping in his beast form next to her. Marion shift a bit and trying to rise up when she see Harvey suddenly transform back to human form and asking her where she is going. She just tell him to sleep for a bit more while she going to the sand pit. After she done peeing, she go back to Harvey and cuddle him more.

When she wake up for the second time, Harvey already finish prepare the breakfast and was about to wake her up but she already up and walk to the door when she and Harvey bumping each others. Marion just giggles and give Harvey a kiss. While they are still eating “Love, about the stripes you telling me about. Can you not telling anyone about me having that. Well you know, I don’t like others to know bout that cos we still don’t know yet what they will to do me if they know about me having this power and so on. So just let this this between us okay?” “Don’t worry Mari, I wont tell a soul. Beside, we need to figure it out what the second stripes power are. After finish our breakfast, I will go to the village to do my checking and then I will try to ask the elder in the village about the ancient story if they know anything about it.” Harvey said.

“By the way Love, I was thinking if you would like to move to the Beast City with me? Because I need to look for someone in the Beast City and maybe I could expand our family there.” Marion say. “I was thinking the same too. I mean with me who is a stripless male, I am afraid that I cant provide safety for you when you in heat or maybe when you need protection. You need more males to protect you. I am willing to go with you where ever you wish to go.” harvey said. Marion hug him tight and pat his head and whisper to him “Love, don’t you ever think that you are not good enough for me or to think that you are useless just because you don’t have any stripes. I choose you for the way you are, I love you for the person you are. You are more than you think you are, and I am very proud of the man you became now. So please stop saying those words. I love you and I will always love you all equally even if I take more males in the future. Beside, who said that you cant have a stripe? Don’t you remember that I have the power to suppress other power, if I learn more about my power I think I can help you with the stripes too. So right now, I want you to have faith in me and please believe in me to help you out.” she hold Harvey hands and kiss it.

Harvey’s eyes start to cry because he never thought that he will get so lucky to have a very understandable mate and a very kind too. Marion just smile and kiss all of Harvey face to make Harvey stop to cry. Well what do you know, Harvey face redden because of embarrassed being kiss by his mate and they start to make out for a bit before Harvey went out for checking. “Remember Harvey to tell all your patient that the day after tomorrow we will head to the Beast City, and also please find me stone fruit for the dinner later. I will cook for us tonight.” Marion say and peck Harvey in the lips while Harvey just nodded his head and smile.


A moment later after Harvey head out to check on his patients, Marion go to their room and close her eyes for a bit and started to do meditation and trying to connect herself to the power she got when suddenly she feel a gush of wind pass through her and she open her eyes, she see a meadow field with a lot of small flower, the place is so beautiful and calm. She look around when she see a big oak tree in the middle of the field and she walk to the tree. Marion try to touch the tree when sudden a woman come out of the tree with a beauty facial feature and long straight white silvery hairs just like the hairs she use to have  and saying to her with a alluring voice “ My child, I’ve been waiting for you all this time for you to reach out for me. I am very sorry for not been there for you and never been able to take care of you all this time. I place you on earth so that you will have a normal life that I always been dream of and will not be sacrifice to be just like me. As you can see, I am the Beast Goddess and for that I will be in between the realm to provide the power for those females who are needed in help. Those who believe will received the power given by saying grace to the Beast God/Goddess.” the woman say while smiling motherly to Marion.

Marion cant help but feeling sad for all this time she thought that why everything happen to her doesn’t make sense and why do she have to have the white silvery hairs that everyone she know mock her about except for her family which is Meredith who she consider as a big sister to her. “My child, I know right now you have a mix feeling but I just want you to know that if you ever need me or anything I will always be there for you. For that I shall granted you a power to able to help you mates, with just focusing on the energy in you that you feel and slowly transfer those energy to your spousal mark of the mate you want to help and also dear, I know you already read about this world on earth but I want you to be careful and be safe as this is the real world that you are living now. And goodluck with your harem dear child.”

After that suddenly Marion jolt up and look around her, she was in the room all this time. She feel more energy and feeling fresh, when she trying to stand up she saw her hairs already in her original colour with is white silvery hairs and her skin has been more radiant and smooth and she can feel that her body has more plump at the chest and at her bottom area. Like wow dearest mother, isn’t if you making me like this there will be more beastmen will going crazy soon. Oh gosh.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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