Chapter two: Agent Smith

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"I'll go with you." I sighed and dropped my head, rather defeated. I was doing exactly what I didn't want to do. I was becoming Agent Barnes again.
"Wise choice." Nick Fury nodded his head. "I'll give you a week to pack, and tie any loose ends."
"A week? Really?" I raised an eyebrow.
Nick turned around as he made his way towards the door. "You're lucky you got even that. Agents don't waste time."
I nodded curtly.
"And oh, by the way, you might want to drop out of those college classes. You won't be needing them anymore. S.H.I.E.L.D will be paying you full salary, so that job won't be necessary either."
I narrowed my eyes. So S.H.I.E.L.D
had been watching me. Nick wasn't bluffing when he had said they "had eyes everywhere". Well, I should have known that anyway. S.H.I.E.L.D doesn't exactly mess around when they need something...
Nick interrupted my thoughts. "An agent will come pick you up Saturday, 6:45 A.M. sharp. When you arrive at our headquarters, I'll give you a little tour." I nod again.
"See you then, Agent Smith." Nick Fury called over his shoulder, as he puts the sunglasses back on, and then exits my apartment.
I furrowed my eyebrows. So I guess I wasn't becoming Agent Barnes again.
The deception had already begun.

April 27, 1946

The air is incredibly still, as I sit back, and gaze at the picture. It's Steve and Bucky, together. Bucky is laughing and looking down, while Steve is smiling at the camera, looking tall, handsome and happy.
A tear threatens to spill, as I gaze on. Both of these men, dead. My brother, who was also my best friend, my protector and my idol, dead. And then Steve...oh Steve... I was so jealous when I saw him falling in love with Peggy... I loved him first, even as pre-serum Steve! His brave spirit within that weak body fascinated me, his determination made me love him all the more...then he fell in love with Agent Carter, who happens to be my best friend and who used to be my partner in work...
A knock on the door jerks me out of my thoughts.
"Come in!"
As if summoned by my memories, Peggy strolls into the office. I quickly drop the picture onto my desk, surprised.
"Hello, Beth."
I straighten in my chair, and try to smile. "Hi Peggy. What's going on?"
"There has been-" Peggy starts, then pauses as her eyes catch the picture on my desk.
She sighs, and I catch the look of sadness and longing in her eyes, a reflection of the way I've been feeling.
I look down. "I know, I shouldn't be dwelling on the past..."
"They're worth dwelling on." Peggy says rather sharply.
"Of course they are." I bite my lip.
"I'm missing them both terribly as of recent."
"Me too." Peggy's gaze becomes distant. I know she is thinking of Steve. I should feel jealous, but I don't. I just feel utter sadness and despair.
I feel a tear roll down my cheek, and I don't try to stop it. I push myself away from my desk and walk directly over to Peggy. She snaps out of her trance and I hug her tight.
"It's been less than two years." I whisper into her shoulder. "How come it hurts as if it were yesterday?"
Peggy sighs.
"I feel the same. When you lose someone you love, the pain won't dull, but the love will grow stronger."...

Mid 2011
Today, the diner is bustling. My co-worker Dana and I are racing to and fro between tables, writing down orders and serving them.
I take an order from a man who wears a black overcoat, fedora and sunglasses. It seems a bit suspicious, but I go ahead and take his order anyway.
"So, you'd like a Philly steak with cheese, with a side order of fries?" I finish up the order.
He looks up at me from his newspaper. "It doesn't all come as one meal?"
"Well, it could, but you did say 'side order of fries'. "
He looks back at his paper. "Make that one order. And I don't have a lot of time, so make it quick, please."
Make it quick? Does he not see the busy atmosphere around him? Oh wait, he is wearing sunglasses. I think wryly to myself.
"Okay sir, we will try our best." I say politely, though inside I feel annoyed and a bit exasperated.
I rush back to bring my orders to the kitchen, and almost bang right into Dana.
Dana smiles. "It's okay, Gen."
She leans in a little closer. "And who is that wack-job over there?"
I shrug. "I just took his order. I don't have any more of a clue than you do. He's a bit pushy, though."
Dana narrows her eyes. "Huh. I'll keep an eye on him."
I laugh. "In this bustle? Just try to focus on your work, girl."
She half smiles, then hurries off as a little girl spills juice all over the floor behind us. I scurry off to pass in my orders to the cook, and to pick up the ones passed in earlier.
I hear Scott the cook chatting with Mike, the janitor. "You hear about that guy found in the ice? Insane, huh?"
I roll my eyes and pass in the orders. Scott enjoys gossip and tales, so it's often hard to discern what's real and what's not.
"Here hon." Scott passes me the other orders, and I hurriedly leave to hand them out.
About fifteen minutes later, the second batch of orders are ready. I grab the mysterious man's tray first, since he had asked that it "be quick."
Thankfully, he's still waiting at his table, absorbed in a newspaper. When I approach, he looks up.
"Took long enough." He comments. I restrain myself from rolling my eyes.
"Sorry sir. As you can see, it's a busy day for us today."
He holds up the newspaper as I place the platter on his table.
"You heard about this guy?"
I glance at the newspaper. The headlines say "World War II Hero, found frozen, but alive." My heartbeat quickens.
"Can I see that?" I ask, trying to sound casually interested, hoping the man doesn't see my shaking hands.
"Sure." He passes me the newspaper, and what I see causes my vision to swirl and blur.
"Oh my gosh."
My eyes scan the story, then the picture.
It's a shield, frozen in ice. A very familiar shield. Memories pulse through my head and old feelings start coming back. I feel my body start to lose consciousness, as my hand releases the paper slowly.
I don't know how it is possible, but Steve is alive.
With that thought, black dots dance before my eyes, and everything goes black.

A.N.- Picture Elizabeth was looking at is included with this chapter.

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