Chapter eight: Stonewalled

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"Come in!"
Director Fury's voice sounds, and I tentatively turned the doorknob.
Nick Fury sat at a desk in the middle of the room, reading some papers. This time, he wasn't in a disguise. He was wearing his black eyepatch, and a black trench coat.
It was a large, very professional looking office. Four large panel windows stood behind the director's desk, and black plush chairs were scattered neatly in front of it.
"Well, well. You showed up." Director Fury said, though his tone didn't sound the least bit surprised.
"I didn't have much of a choice, now did I, Director Fury?" I answer crisply, and he gives a dry laugh.
"No. No you did not."
I glower at him for a few seconds and cross my arms.
"You know, I was perfectly fine where I was."
"Oh really?" Director Fury stands up, his one eye pinned to mine in a challenging manner.
"But you had no answers, and we both know you really want those, don't you, Genevieve Smith?" He emphasizes on the last two words almost mockingly.
I purse my lips to keep me from saying something I would assuredly regret.
"So yeah, did promise me those, didn't you?" I ask casually, tapping a foot. "How about we get started?"
"Ha." Director Fury says flatly, as if he really finds this all amusing. "I did, didn't I?"
"Oh, you know, maybe you didn't, and I just decided to come to damn S.H.I.E.L.D. totally on my own...yeah, that's it!" I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm as I settle in a seat opposite the desk.
Nick raises an eyebrow, unimpressed.
"If you think you're intimidating me, Ms. Barnes, you're gravely mistaken. Trust me, I've met worse than a ninety-something-year-old agent with a sassy mouth."
I purse my lips tightly, and eye him evenly. "Oh, I'm the one with the sassy mouth here? Well excuse me, I guess I just picked it up in the atmosphere, because you're nothing but sassy, Nick."
Fury eyes me mutely for a few moments. His one eye glints with annoyance. "Maybe you are too young to be here, Ms. Barnes. This is not a game, of who can outwit the other with their smart-ass mouth. What I'm about to tell you is very serious."
I feel slight embarrassment coil in my stomach for a moment. I debate over whether to apologize, but I keep my mouth shut, to prevent any more regrettable things from coming out.
"You're familiar with HYDRA." Fury says, leaning back in his chair.
It's more of a statement than a question, but I answer anyways.
"All too well."
There are some more things about HYDRA you need to know about, Elizabeth." Fury says quietly. Immediately, he grabs my attention. What could he know about HYDRA that I didn't?
"Like what...?"
"Like, that if it weren't for HYDRA, you wouldn't be here in the twenty-first century."
My throat goes dry and my tongue feels like a wad of sandpaper. "What the hell are you taking about?"
"Not every piece of information is worth knowing, Elizabeth."
I slam my fist down on the desk angrily, and Nick doesn't even flinch.
"Can you stop with all the bloody stalling? Just get to the point, Fury."
"HYDRA was the one who froze you, Elizabeth. We, S.H.I.E.L.D., found you, unthawed you, and placed you in your apartment under our watch." Nick says, his tone blunt. My stomach writhes itself into a tight coil.
A million thoughts pepper my head in a flying whirl.
I open my mouth, but I'm momentarily speechless, and very confused. So I wasn't "discovered" by Nick, as I thought I was. He had known where I was all along.
A thought strikes me, and words suddenly form in my mouth.
"So why did you just come get me now? Out of the random, to work for you as an agent?" I demand sharply.
Nick faces me unflinchingly, his face betraying no emotion whatsoever. "Elizabeth, why don't you settle down a bit, and have Agent Watson show you your new apartment? More answers will come in time, when you're ready for them." For some reason, after that statement, he avoids meeting my eye.
Really? How does he expect me to "settle down" after news like that?
I grit my teeth and pin Fury with a steely gaze.
"I want more details."
Nick pushes himself away from the desk and stands up.
"I'm sorry, Agent Barnes. I never promised intricate details today. Just a few answers." And with those words, he sidesteps his desk and strides out of the room.

I sit at Nick's desk, once again, speechless, and extremely angry. How dare he leave me like that, when he promised answers? He just gave me the bare minimum and then stalked away! I literally wanted to throw my head back and scream. Then maybe strangle Nick.
I inhale, then exhale very slowly. Calm down, Elizabeth. He said answers would come in time, when I'm ready for them... What could that possibly mean? Ready for what? Hadn't he already told me about HYDRA? That was bad enough, as it was. Could there possibly be something worse that's he's holding back? I roll my eyes.
Honestly, what could be worse than finding out you were froze by HYDRA? You're overthinking this whole thing.
I crane my neck from where I'm sitting in the chair, and peer out the door where Nick exited. What happened to that tour he promised me? Well, I guess he's just one to break promises. It's going to be hard, working under a director you can't quite trust.
I turn back around, and my mind starts wandering to more random topics, like whether or not S.H.I.E.L.D. would give me my own car or not. The cars I've used in the last years to get to and fro have been rental cars, and I had just returned my most recent one yesterday. It was a cute, light blue punch buggy, and I had really liked it. Would S.H.I.E.L.D. take requests if they provided a car? Probably not.
I floated through a few other thoughts, as I wait, and tried to avoid pondering on the news Nick had revealed. It just hurt my head too much, and drives me mad. I had so many questions, so many whys, how's...but especially whys.
You'd think I'd remember being captured by HYDRA, but I don't. It seems that the time before I "died", or was froze , is extremely hazy and distorted. I've tried reaching deep into my mind, trying to grab ahold of it and figure it out, but to no avail. It seems the only memories that come up are the times spent with loved ones, the warm memories, and the regret... I feel myself beginning to slip into the past, but I'm quickly yanked out as footsteps sound behind me. I turn around and see Agent Watson standing in the doorway. "Well, Agent Smith, looks like I'll be giving you a brief tour of part of S.H.I.E.L.D. today, then we'll head to your new apartment. Sound good?"
I nod mutely, and follow Agent Watson out of the office.

I seem to be half conscious as Agent Watson shows me the controls room, several different offices, the cafeteria, the training room, and several rooms where the technology was so advanced it made my head spin. Lynne didn't seem to notice I wasn't paying much attention, as she chatted about various weapons that were made in the past, and how they were advancing even farther with the systems and devices they used. I vaguely wondered how they could get much more advanced then they already were in their tech, but the thought just made my already tired brain ache.
To my relief, she soon escorted me out of S.H.I.E.L.D., and we drove silently to my new apartment in the same black SUV we arrived in.
Normally I would be alert and curious, but the information Nick had told me was really taking its toll. Not only mentally, but physically. I felt overwhelmed, weighed down, and exhausted and it was only about 11:30 in the morning!
The apartment was nice, fully furnished as Lynne had promised. It was a little plain, but I'm sure after a little bit of altering, and my decorative flair, it could become quite homy.
"What do you think?" Lynne asks after I explored around a bit.
"It's nice." I smile what I hope looks like a grateful smile. "Thanks for everything, Lynne."
"Hey, I'm not done yet," Lynne reached into her pocket and handed me a set of keys.
"This is the apartment keys, and the keys for your car, provided by S.H.I.E.L.D., of course. It should be parked in the parking area right behind this building. It's a silver Honda Civic. Nice, dependable car."
"Oh my gosh, thank you." I gushed, feeling a tad overwhelmed. It wasn't a VW bug but hey, it was a free car!
"There are some good benefits that come with being a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, you know." Lynne says pointedly. "You don't exactly seen thrilled to be one."
"If I had a choice, I wouldn't exactly have come running." I mutter, slumping down on a soft couch.
She nods her head slowly. "Steve Rogers, huh?"
My head snaps up, and Agent Watson's eyes flash triumphantly, as she realizes she's grabbed my attention.
I quickly let my posture slump, and try to look disinterested. "Yeah, what about him?"

Hello my dear readers!
Sorry for the wait! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Thanks so much for those of you who have supported and encouraged me! I love you all! You guys are the ones who keep me motivated!
Just wanted to let you guys know, I'm leaving for camp soon for ten days, so I probably won't be updating! Sorry about that, but I'll try to update when I get back! Anyways, comment, vote, and enjoy!

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