Chapter seven: S.H.I.E.L.D. (Part 2)

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"Agent! Agent Smith...rise and shine!" I hear a mockingly sweet voice say, and I blink my eyes open.
To my embarrassment, I realize the voice was Agent Watson. She's looking over at me, her arms folded, an amused smile on her face.
"We have arrived at S.H.I.E.L.D."
"Oh my gosh." I jerk upwards and try to unbuckle my seat belt, but my hands are trembling, and my attempts to unfasten the buckle are futile.
Agent Watson leans over and unfastens it in one swift motion.
I feel embarrassment heating my cheeks, and I mumble a thanks.
"It's alright." Agent Watson looks at me sympathetically. "I know you're nervous. I know exactly how you feel."
I nod gratefully, even though it's not nerves that are getting to me. It's the memories, once again.
Agent Watson slides out of the car, and I do the same.
What I see when I look up takes my breath away. We are standing before a huge building. There are so many floors that it towers way into the sky,
so high that I can't even see the top.
One part of the building is cylinder-shape, and light gray. Smaller, square shaped building stem off the side.
Agent Watson glances over at me, looking amused at my awe.
"Ta-da!" Agent Watson says flatly. "Welcome to the Triskelion."
"Wow." Is all I can say, as Agent Thomas drives off in the SUV, leaving us at the entrance. I see a security camera, swiveling back and forth, as we approach the entrance.
Agent Watson slides her I.D. through a slot, and then leans forward, opening one eye wide. A blue, web-looking light extends from what looks like a tiny camera, and scans her eye. When she sees the bemused look on my face, she explains.
"It's a retina scan. It's to verify that I'm..."
"Agent Lynne Watson. Access authorized. Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D." An automated voice interrupts, and I jump back in surprise. Agent Watson grins at my reaction, and I smile back sheepishly. "We didn't have this stuff in the forties."
The door slides open, and I follow Agent Watson into the building, feeling more anxious by the minute. It certainly doesn't help when the robotic voice blares, "Unauthorized adult female-"
Agent Watson interrupts it before the voice can go on. "It's Agent Genevieve Smith. She should be in the system."
After a few moments, the voice replies. "Agent Genevieve Smith, now authorized by Nicholas. J. Fury."
"Good." Agent Watson nods her head approvingly as we walk into what looks like a lobby.
A woman sat behind a desk in the far right corner of the room.
"May I help you?" She asks, without looking up.
Agent Watson flashes her badge, as the woman glances up.
"Oh. Good morning, Agent Watson and..." She trails off, peering at me inquisitively over her spectacles.
"Genevieve. Genevieve Smith." I smile cordially, and the lady smiles back.
"New trainee?" The secretary queries.
Agent Watson shakes her head sharply and answers before I can. "Nope. Already trained. Just a new agent."
"Ahh. Well, welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D. Good luck!" The secretary gave me a warm grin before looking back at her computer.
"Thank you!" I say, as I tried to keep up with Agent Watson, who was now heading briskly towards what looked like an elevator.
After pressing a button, the door slid open with a ding, and we both step in. The elevator is unlike one I've ever seen before. All around is clear glass, so you can watch all the floors go by you as you ascend. I lean up against the railing, feeling slightly queasy.
"Agent, Watson Lynne, access authorized." The automated voice blares again, and Agent Watson's face and name shows up on a small screen located in front of us.
"Agent, Smith Genevieve, access authorized." No picture comes up of my face, but my name comes up on the screen, and then disappears.
"Take us to level 8 please." Agent Watson orders, and the elevator jolts as it begins to ascend.
I tap my foot, and a rather awkward blanket of silence settles over us.
"They used to play music in these things." I comment, looking over at Agent Watson. She nods her head in acknowledgment, and sighs. "Yeah, well, a lot of things have changed since then."
That's for sure. I thought grimly.
The automated voice jerks me out of my thoughts, and soon, the door slides open.
"Arrival at level 8."
I looked expectantly at Agent Watson.
"This is where I leave you, Agent Smith. The Director's office should be just to your right."
The butterflies started to swirl madly in my stomach once more, as I tentatively step out of elevator.
"Thank you, Agent Watson." I quickly wave, as the elevator begins to slide shut.
Agent Watson waves back, a friendly smile lighting her features. "Please call me Lynne. After all, we are fellow agents."
"Of course, Lynne." I answer as the door shuts, and the one person who was I was slowly becoming comfortable with disappears.
I sigh, and turn to face the long hall in front of me. Several agents bustle back and forth, all wearing crisp business apparel. I look down sheepishly at my bomber jacket, slacks, and Converse sneakers. Oh well. Nick didn't tell me what to wear. I think, as I mentally shrug off my insecurities.
Where did she say his office was? Oh, to the right. I glance to my right, and sure enough, there stood a door, looking rather menacing, with the word "Director" printed on a plaque.
I walk towards the door, and my hand lingers above the metal as I prepare to knock. Apprehension churns in my stomach, as well as some uncertainty. Was I ready for what was waiting for me? Was I prepared to become Agent Smith?
Well, we will just have to find out.
I push aside nerves and doubt, and put on what I hoped was a calm and professional expression. With those last final adjustments, I knock on the door.

Hello my dear readers,
Sorry I took so long to update! I wanted to make sure I got everything correct when she visits S.H.I.E.L.D., so I had to review what the D.C. headquarters looked like in The Winter Soldier.
Anyway, thanks for reading, please comment and vote!
Love ya'll!

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