Chapter Ten - There's Only My Way, No Your Way.

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   So yesterday had been a little weird for me, and the worst part is my mother was right. The moment I woke up my ankle was completely better. I was hoping it'd last a while, at least till Sasuke forgot about the 'date' we had planned. Curse myself. This is just one example of my actions befor thinking. I stood up and got dressed glaring at the crutches that stood next to my bedside.

   "A few more weeks wouldn't have bothered me," I said to myself quietly before grabbing my hair brush. I looked at my reflection and sighed. I looked decent considering how I lacked sleep. There was a soft knock before my door opened revealing my younger sister, dressed to impress her boyfriend, Hiro.

   "You in a dress? I never thought I'd see the day," I laughed. She sent me a glare.

   "I see your ankle is doing better, does that mean you will have your date with Sasuke?" Nyx mocked. I ran at her before she could take off and dragged her into my room further away from the door.

   "I am not going on a date with Sasuke!" I said to her, shooting her my own glare.

   "You might think that, but what of Sasuke? He's here to pick you up too!" Nyx retorted before jumping off while I was caught off guard.

   "Nyx you brat!" I shouted at her chasing her down the stairs. She tripped and fell face first on the ground. I was laughing. You see Nyx and I decided to move back into the main house after mama finally learned how to cook, and considering the three story home was empty without our presence, or so mama says, we decided it wouldn't hurt either. "Serves you right!"

   She sat up glaing at me for the second time today. I walked down the stairs and walked past her laughing her incident off before entering the kitchen to see Sasuke and my mom talking. He was currently denying any food from her. Oh right I never did tell him her food is normal. I've only complained about it previously.

   "Her food won't kill you, she's practiced," I said walking towards the fridge and opening it up. As usual it was fully stocked. Mom hated having an empty fridge. Pulling out the apple juice I took the plate my mother was handing to me and sat down at the table across from Sasuke. What you think 'd sit by him? Nyx grabbed me and her a glass and sat down next to me.

   "Sis, remember, you don't have to pick me up today," Nyx said as mom sat a plate down in front of her. I looked up and turned to her confused for half a second before smiling at her. Her face turned red when she saw me smiling at her.

   "Huh? Why?" Mom asked completely oblivious. I'm guessing she hadn't told anyone other than me about her and Hiro. So cute~!

   "She has a date with her boyfriend," I said smiling at her. Instead of glaring like she normally would do her face turned bright red.

    "What boyfriend?" Papa asked walking in with tears, oh god the water works. "Nyx already has a boyfriend?! But she is so young!"

    "Now, now papa. You can't keep the girls all to yourself," Mama said laughing. I turned to Nyx who's face was stricken with horror.

   "Dad!" Nyx yelled completely upset. "We have a guest over, do you really think that's wise?"

   "Guest?" Papa asked turning to the table and noticing Sasuke.

   "Isn't he handsome?" Mama asked dad. Dad turned to Nyx with horror all over his face.

   "You're not going out with him are you?" Dad asked, Nyx's eyes widen and she shook her head. Mom and I were dying though. I mean Sasuke was a year older so there wasn't much age difference but still. Far as I knew he didn't go for any kind of girl. I thought he was gay, considering he pushed all girls away practically. Except for the girls who don't obsess over him like Tenten, Temari, Hiromi, Kishiko and myself. But I still thought he way gay. Hm...Sasgay...that had a ring to it. But I still like Sassy.

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