Chapter Eleven - Why Do I Have To?

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"I like-" I started but was interrupted by Naruto.

"HEY GUYS!" Naruto shouted and I took off like a rocket. Like I would really tell them! I haven't even told my little sister yet! They're going to hate me though. But oh well~!

I walked outside and smiled as I headed towards the direction I felt my house was in, I could be wrong but I didn't really care, I was getting fat from loafing around all day. Okay I wasn't fat, I didn't have an ounce of fat on me it seemed, I just call myself fat. Makes me feel better.

I walked around aimlessly till I found my school. Which is where I stopped. I knew the way home from the school easily. I continued to walk knowing where I was now and began to walk again. But what I didn't know was that Sasuke and the others would be awaiting my return. When I saw the cars parked in my long driveway I immediately went to the guest house. I opened the door and stepped inside shutting the door quickly. I wasn't going to draw any attention to myself. I walked into the living room and almost fainted, there sat everyone. I mentally cursed and slowly began to walk out I turned around and was now facing Sasuke and Neji.

"I hate you all," I said biting my lip. I know! I'll just lie and say I don't like anyone!

"You going to tell us, or will we have to force you to say it?" Neji asked smiling at me.

"I don't like anyone," I said starin Neji straight in the eyes. I was a pretty good damn liar.

"Then why did you run?" Sasuke asked.

"I was just teasing! You guys take things so seriously!" I said looking at Sasuke.

"Your lying," Hinata giggled. I turned to her and shot her a confused stare. Haha! I wasn't givng up that easily.

"How can you tell?" Naruto asked looking at his girlfriend who was  positioned on his lap. She blushed madly and shook her head. She no longer stuttered around her friends, but around new people and Naruto it comes back in full force.

"Womanly instinct," Temari said holding hands with Shikamaru. When did that happen? Oh well~! So cute~!

"You two are together! I knew this would happen~!" I said to them, causing both of them to blush and quickly look away.

"You had in idea of them two together?" Kiba asked standing up and looking at me with an astonished look on his face.

"Of course~!" I said smiling. Yes~revert from me, successful!

"Wow, can I have some of this womanly instinct?" Kiba asked, and us girls started laughing. He actually wants woman instinct.

"Why?" I asked biting my lip to keep from laughing.

"To see who I'll end up with of course!" Us girls started laughing again. Kiba only stood confused as with the rest of the guys.

"You can't tell on yourself. It's just whoever catches your fancy," I said looking at him.

There was a knock on the door and I went to answer it. Opening it there stood the my mom, with Nyx next to her crying. My eyes widened.

"Nyx! What happened?" I asked staring at her. What was happening?

"Hiro!" Nyx yelled running into my arms crying hard. I looked to our mother but she shook her head.

Everyone came towards where we were and they all looked worried. "Well, I think it's about time for us to go," Temari said rubbing my arm and then Nyx's before walking out. When everyone left I pulled Nyx onto the couch and into an embrace.

'What happened?" I asked her staring into her deep grey-blue eyes.

"He broke up with me!" Nyx cried tears running down her face.

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