I won't say goodbye

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Rory's head felt like mushy potatoes

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Rory's head felt like mushy potatoes. She saw that Aslan was patiently waiting for her to ask questions, she  heard celebrations and cheers outside the tent, she  still felt the cold frigid remains of magic from Jadis's visit. She was aware of her surroundings but at the same time her brain could not process it. All she could think about was the witch's gleeful admission: You die. You touch the spindle and die. You will die by my hand and pay for your family's sins.

Jadis had cursed her since she was a baby and there was nothing anyone could do, not even Aslan. Rory clenched her jaw tightly. Aslan knew about it.  Aslan kept it a secret from her.

"You lied," Rory's voice wavered with emotion, "And don't you dare say that not telling me is not a lie. It is, even if it's by omission."

"You were meant to find out at this moment, Princess," Aslan said simply.

Rory's nostrils flared. What was his problem? How could he be so calm about the whole situation? Her hands trembled with raw emotions. She had never ever felt something so ugly and spiteful in her stomach.

"I'm going to die!" Rory bursted out, "And you didn't have the decency to warn me. I had to find out from the witch."

"You won't die," Aslan assured her calmly, "You would only fall into deep slumber until your time to awaken arrives."

"Like that's any better!" Rory snarled bitterly.

Usually, Rory would bite her tongue and hide her remarks. She would bury her feelings and her questions because she didn't want to bother anyone. She was nice Rory, adaptable Rory,  understating Rory.  But what good was being nice and good when she was about to die... correction she was about to "fall into deep slumber."

"What does that even mean?" The Browning girl snapped, crossing her arms in her chest in a weak attempt to protect herself.

Aslan took a moment to answer. He was probably preparing to give her a Narnian history lesson. She wasn't even surprised when he started talking again.

"Narnia was meant to be protected from Jadis's with the Tree of Protection. Eventually that tree died out during King Stephan and Queen Dorea's rule. Jadis wanted to acquire the throne through any means and she wasn't afraid of recurring to dark magic. She visited your parents during your first public presentation.  Jadis threatened them into giving her the throne but Dorea and Stephan knew that she would only destroy Narnia. As a punishment, Jadis cursed you to die by touching a spindle by  the time you were sixteen."

"The witch mentioned that funnily enough," Rory interrupted, rolling her eyes.

Aslan was undeterred by Rory's remarks. Instead, he continued explaining.

"Your parents were distressed by the situation. Luckily they had the help of three wonderful faeries and godmothers, Flora, Fauna and Merryweather. I believe you know them by the names of Florence , Faryn and Mary."

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