Interlude: The dream

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Rory opened her eyes

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Rory opened her eyes. It was the very same stone table the witch had prepared for her death but the surroundings were different. Instead of the rocky boulders and the concrete floor, she was surrounded by beautiful woods. Slowly, she stood up and decided to explore the forest.

The evergreen grass is decorated with beautiful colored flowers. Flowers of every type imaginable  from purple to red, yellow, white orange, blue, and her favorite pink daisy flowers.  The trees were tall and sturdy. There were birch trees, linden trees, and pines. As she walked further and further into the forest she heard a beautiful and all too familiar melody.

Rory quickened her pace and followed the music. She arrived at the very edge of the forest where a beautiful willow tree guarded a crystalline blue river.  Narnians were enjoying the haunting song played by a band under the willow.  Boisterous laughter was heard and elegant dances could be seen. Those who didn't dance or play the music were feeding themselves off a spectacular feast  or were playing by the water.

Rory approached the scene timidly but none of the creatures paid her any mind. She was just another one in the crowd. She hid in the crowd until she was standing close to the willow tree where the band was playing. Most of them were satyrs, centaurs, or nymphs but there was a human: A man with brown hair and turquoise eyes. A gold crown on his head. Holding a hand-carved flute she was oh so familiar with.  Her father!

The woman next to him was watching him adoringly as he played the music. Long flowing blonde hair and kind green eyes. A delicate gold crown entwined in her curls.  That was her mother.

"Mom, dad," Rory gasped in disbelief.

The song came to a halt as both her mother and father faced her. The Narnians stopped their dancing and observed the scene with interest. Her parents were staring at her with longing and incredulousness. They couldn't quite believe their daughter, who was just a baby when they said goodbye, was now a beautiful young woman.

"Hi," Rory said timidly.

That's all it took to let the dam crack.

"My darling daughter," Queen Dorea  said wistfully, "We are sorry to meet you in these circumstances." 

The Queen kissed her daughter's head still clutching her in her arms. The king hugged his daughter next before turning to the crowd.

"People of Narnia," King Stephan announced, " May I present to you, Princess Aurora. She has finally joined us, if only temporarily. But we shall enjoy her stay for as long as we have."

The crowd cheered in excitement. Music started playing again. The dancing was resumed.  The Narnians were celebrating the arrival of their beloved princess. The Queen and King lead their daughter to the feast urging her to eat before continuing the celebrations.  It wasn't until she was eating her fourth pastry that she realized her father's words.

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