"I'm dying dead"

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The next day was awkward for everyone in the house

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The next day was awkward for everyone in the house. The Pevensies row had been left unresolved. Lucy refused to speak to her siblings. Edmund was as usual moody and stony while the older siblings tried their best to act normal.

The Brownings were not having better luck. Aunt Florence and Aunt Mary's argument had gotten worse once Florence learned how Mary had unfairly snapped at a curious Rory. Rory was unsure of how to act after her aunt's words and did her best to stay quiet. Aunt Faryn , bless her soul, was trying to act as a buffer for the family but it's a bit hard when none of the parties involved cooperated.

All in all the situation in the Kirke Mansion was terrible and it was bound to get worse. Macready had talked to the siblings and the house's staff separately and announced that a tour was visiting today. For the Pevensies, it meant to make themselves scarce for a few hours. For the Brownings, it meant extra work for the rest of the day. Keeping the place spotless, having the best snacks for the visitors and fixing the garden to look its best.

The Pevensies left the house to play in the garden, grateful it wasn't raining anymore. They decided to play cricket in an attempt to bond as a family. It was well noticed that it wasn't working. Lucy had distanced herself from the game and instead sat under a tree reading the Professor's fairytale book.

The Brownings were a bit more lucky. All of their tasks were to be performed in different rooms giving them the advantage of a much needed separation. Rory was left to clean the main living room on her own.

Rory was singing quietly to herself as she scrubbed the chimney. In a way she was thankful it was a saturday. It meant she only had to work until lunch and then she was free to go. Maybe she could give Lucy singing lessons in the music room if the tour had left by then. And then meet Peter later that night as usual.

She was startled by the sound of a broken window. She looked up from her place and to her horror not only the window was broken but an armor was destroyed too.

"Oh god," She muttered to herself, " I'm dying, dead! Or worse.. fired"

Rory stood up quickly in a panic. Macready was going to blame the whole incident on her even if there was no logical explanation behind it. The Browning girl bent down and tried to piece the armor back together in desperation. It was futile. Whenever she pieced something it felt down again just as quickly. Maybe she should get glue or tape. That could work right?

She squeaked in fear at the sound of footsteps. She curled up into a ball trying to make herself invisible. She looked up expecting the worst and felt immensely relieved that it was only the Pevensie siblings. Peter noticed the girl's fright and bent down with her. He took one look at the broken window and armor before glaring at his brother.

" Well done, Ed," Peter exclaimed, annoyed as he helped Rory stand up.

"You bowled it!" Edmund argued back with a scowl.

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