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I wake up and see a sleeping beauty infront of me.
I chuckle, he looks so peacefull.
I worm myself out of his grip, and hop into the shower.
I get back into the room, and see he already woke up.
"Morning" i said smiling drying my hair with a towel.
"Goodmorning amor" he replied looking at me up and down.
I quickly put my clothes back on, and put my hair in a high messy bun.
"Were are you going" he asked getting up out of bed.
"Home" i lied looking up at him as he stands right infront of me.
"Already" he asked looking me in the eyes making me wanna stay.
I really had to go to Rafaella's to make plans for his surprise party in a couple of weeks.
"Can't you stay" he asked closing the gap in between us.
I place my arms around his neck, "i really gotta go" i said softly kissing him.
"Okaaaay" he murmurs.
I chuckle, and kiss him again.
This time a bit longer and deeper.
His hands around my waist tightened.
I brake the kiss and look him in the eyes.
"Why you doing this to me" he pants whispering.
"What" i asked fooling around a little.
He smiles, and walkes me to the door.
"See ya later" i said trying to walk away.
He grabs my hand turning me back around pressing his lips on mine.
"Laters amor" he replied making me weak.

I arrive at Rafaella's place, and ring the bell.
She almost immediately opens it.
"Girl i thought you would never come" she said laughing.
"Sorry" i said with a chuckle.
"So how is my brother doing" she asked as we walked towards the kitchen.
"Good" i said in a way that made her turn around.
"What" i asked with my cheeks turning red.
"You guys..." she asked smiling.
"Nooo no no no... we didn't" i replied quickly looking away.
"Then why are you so red bb" she asked woofing around with me.
"We just kissed" i said giggling.
"Just that" she insisted.
"And a  bit more" i added quickly covering my mouth.
"I knew it" she shouts.
We both laugh, and start planning for the big day.

After a couple of hours, we finally got everything together.
"So that's it then" she said sipping on my drink.
She has been calling everybody, and i was planning a date so he would be out of the house and they could set everything up.
"So were you taking him" she asked me taking a sip of her drink.
"His favourite spot down town" i said making a reservation online.
"Done" i said tossing my phone on the table.
"We did a good job" Rafaella said high fiving me.
I look down on my phone and it's already 1 pm.
"I should get going" i said getting up.
"Thankyou for everything without you i really couldn't have done it" Rafaella said giving me a big hug.
"You can always count on me" i said hugging her tight.
She walked me to the door, and waved me goodbye.
I got into my car and drove home.

The perfect chaos // NeymarJr.Where stories live. Discover now