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It felt like we were driving around for hours, i was looking out of the window.
By now i was sober again, and thought back to the moment at the beach.
Why was i so mesmerized by his touch, his eyes.
I mean he's like... my best friend... i can't catch feeling's for him... not now.
I start overthinking, and start shaking my leg up and down.
"Hey you good" Neymar asked placing his hand on my leg slowing it down.
"Yes im fine" i quickly replied.
"Shouldn't we go back tho... it's your party and you're not even there" i said looking towards him.
He takes a look on his watch, "well everybody should be gone by now" he said focusing on the road.
"Wait how late is it" i asked.
"3 am" he replied.
"Shit" i whispered "im so sorry" i added as he smiled at me.
"Stop apologizing Isabel, it's ok" he said placing his hand on my leg.
I blush at his touch, he chuckels.
What was going on with me, i've never felt like this with him.
"But you should just drop me off home" i whispered looking out of the window again.
"You could stay at my place if you want" he asked with a small stutter in his voice.
"But my parent's.." i started as he quickly said "won't mind you staying at my place meu amor it's fine" he said smiling at me as we stopped at the red light.
"Only if you want to" he added as i look up at him his eyes meeting mine.
"Alright" i whisper looking away blushing a bit.
I could see he smiled brightly, as the light turned green.

We arrived back at his place, he parked and hopped out to open my door.
He opens the front door, and lets me in first.
"Ladies first" he added smiling.
I nod smiling and walk inside, i kick my heels off as they really started to numb my feet.
I walked towards the kitchen and got myself a glass of water.
"You sure everything alright" Neymar asked cleaning up some of the red cups that where left.
"No" i whisper trying to hold my tears in.
"I just need some sleep" i quickly added.
"Come.. i'll make the bed for you" he said as we both walked towards his guest bedroom
"Do you have... umm.. something i can borrow" i asked looking down at my dress.
"Sure in the second drawer, pick whatever one you like" he said pointing towards the drawer where all his football shirt where.
I open it up, and see a pink with purple shirt.
I grabbed it, and walked back towards the bed.
Neymar made the bed ready for me, and smiled at me.
"There you go" he said smiling looking at the shirt.
"I knew you would pick that one" he said chuckling.
I laugh at him, and give him a hug.
"Thankyou for everything" i whisper.
"Always amor, sleep well" he replied hugging me tight.
He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.
I undressed and pulled the shirt over my head.
It kinda smelled like him.
I quickly washed the make-up off my face, and jumped into bed.
It was a big very comfortable bed.
I unlocked my phone, and quickly text my mom.
She wouldn't mind, but just for my own sake i wanted to let her know i was staying here.

The perfect chaos // NeymarJr.Where stories live. Discover now