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I wake back up, still into Neymar's arms.
"Hi" i whisper as his eyes open up.
"Hi beautifull" he said with a deep voice.
"Did you sleep well" i asked as he stretches.
"With you in my arms" he said pulling me closer.
"Always" he added kissing my forehead.
I get up out of bed, and sit on the edge of the bed.
I stretch a little bit as i feel two hands around my waist.
He slowly comes closer behind me and kisses me softly.
"Im gonna miss this" he whispers holding me tight.
I turn around hugging him tightly.
I grab his hoodie and pull it over my head.
"Keep it" he says winking at me.
I jump around like a little girl in the candy store making him laugh.
"Come" he said standing infront of a mirror.
I walk back towards him.
He hugs me grabs his phone and snaps a couple of pictures.
He looks down at me and presses his lips on mine.
"Damn im so lucky" he said looking me in the eyes.
I smile and quickly kiss him.
He goes back on his phone, and smiles at the picture he just took.

He posts it to his Instagram with the caption 'Gonna miss you amor 🖤🩶'I get a notification and see the picture

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He posts it to his Instagram with the caption 'Gonna miss you amor 🖤🩶'
I get a notification and see the picture.
"Ney" i whisper as he comes closer to me.
"What" he asked smiling.
I look up at him and curl my lip, he is so sweet.
The comments are going crazy, a lot of his friends and team mates liked the picture.
But as a lot of love comes also a lot of hate.
I quickly put my phone away, i dont even wanna read the hate comments.
Neymar looks at me and notices something is off "whats wrong amor" he asked softly.
"Nothing" i said walking towards the kitchen.
He takes a look at his post.
He quickly disables the comments and blocks the hate comments.
He comes towards me "hey" he whispers pulling my face back up looking me in the eyes.
"I dont care what they say... theyre just jealous" he said kissing me softly.
"I dont care either" i said "but.." i added.
"But nothing, i love you and only you" he said pulling me closer.
I wrap my arms around his neck, and pull him down.
"I love you" i whisper and softly press my lips on his.
He looks down in my eyes and smiles.
"You know what... we should go out to eat" he said holding me close.
"My flight is in about 5 hours so we've got time" he said winking at me.
"Ok" i whisper "but then i should go home to get dressed" i added.
"I'll pick you up in a bit" he said giving me a kiss.
I kiss him back and walk my way back home.

I arrive home, and greet my parents.
"Hey guys were are you going" i asked as they were both dressed up nicely.
"Well your dad is taking me out for dinner" my mom said blushing.
"That is very nice" i said smiling looking at her putting her ear rings in.
My dad walks out of the living room wearing a nice black suit.
"You can come with us if you want" he said trying to tie his tie in the mirror.
"Its fine Neymar is taking me out before he leaves for Paris" i replied walking towards him helping him with his tie.
"Oh is he leaving again" he said looking down at me.
"Yep" i whispered trying to get his tie done.
"He is a good kid" my dad said hugging me thanking me for tying his tie.
I smile, and look at them both putting on their jackets.
They are so cute, still so much in love after all those years.
"Ok have fun" i said waving them bye as they walked towards the car.
I kept the door unlocked so Neymar could walk in.
I run up the stairs and pick a dress out.

I quickly put on some soft make-up as i hear Neymar walking in

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I quickly put on some soft make-up as i hear Neymar walking in.
"Be there in a sec" i shout from up stairs.
"I'll be here" i heard him say.
I chuckle and hurry myself up.
I run down the stairs holding my dress up.
I see Neymar leaning on the counter looking at me.

"Hey beautifull" he said looking at me up and down

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"Hey beautifull" he said looking at me up and down.
"Hey handsome" i answered winking at him.
"Can you help me with this dress" i asked him turning around.
"Were are your parents" he asked tying the bow of my dress.
"Out for dinner" i replied turning back around.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, and pressed my body on his.
"In that case" he said turning us around placing me onto the counter.
"What are you doing" i chuckle as he pulls me closer to him.
"Ive been craving you for so long i cant get enough" he whispers pressing his lips on mine.
He gets underneath my dress with one hand, and teases my center.
"We're gonna be late" i moan against him lips.
"I dont care" he grunts slipping one finger in.
I gasp for air as he slowly goes in and out.
"Ney" i murmur leaning back enjoying his touch.
He pulls out and smirks at me.
"Why you stopped" i whimpered.
"We are gonna be late amor" he whispered pressing his lips on mine.
"I thought you didnt care" i gasped tugging on his belt.
He smiles against my lips, and i quickly unbuckle his belt.
I could feel his throbbing erection wanting me as much as i wanted him.
I slide myself a bit foreward wrapping my legs around him.
I could feel his erection against my center wanting acces.
I pull his boxer down as he hooks his fingers around my pannties.
I lift my butt up and he pulls them down.
He comes closer and slides him into me.
I grab the back of his neck with one hand and with the other hand i hold myself in place.
"Fucking hell youre so wet amor" he grunts into my neck.
He goes faster by the second.
"Omg" i moan loudly smashing my lips on his.
"Im right there baby" he whispers throughout the kiss.
"Dont stop" i gasp and he thrusts deeper and harder.
"Fuck" he moans pressing sloppy kisses on my neck.
"Oh my god yes" i moan letting my head fall back as my walls clench around him.
He holds me in place and thrusts a couple more times making me a grunting and moaning mess.
I wrap my arms around him and take a deep breath.
"Damn" i whisper into his neck.
"We are definitely late" he says smiling into my neck softly kissing it.
We both chuckle, and clean ourselfs up.

The perfect chaos // NeymarJr.Where stories live. Discover now